Thursday, February 25, 2010


how sweet. my six year old cousin made me this pretty bracelet. :)guess what. i think i am really damn unlucky. first of all, a super big blue black on my leg. then my tailbone gave me problems. now, it's my knee! the worst thing is, i don't even know how i got hurt. so physiotherapy today was basically treating my knee since the doctor said that my back is recovering well. sigh man, another last session tomorrow. oh well, i just hope that i'll be able to shift those boxes from concept blue to college square on saturday.

flying back to melbourne in a day's time. really dislike the 25kg weight limit. i'll definitely exceed it, just hope that they'll be lenient. for the first time, i started packing my luggage the day before i fly. i'm only half way through and yet my luggage is filled. how?

this summer holidays were a blast! 3 months of non-stop eating, playing, slacking & shopping. how much better can life get? :) said it before, and i'll say it again. i'm really going to miss my family & friends real bad. i can't get that type of fun in aussie, it's different.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Free Of Exams

sadly, cixian's 19th birthday falls on a day/period where all the poly people are having their exams. hence, no complete kumaleh outing. last week, yongbin, cheryl and i surprised her at her door with a cake, and today we went out to orchard with the company of samuel. anyways, happy belated birthday girl. i'm sure you'll like your gift! :)
did some shopping before having dinner at thai express. luckily i brought extra cash and manage to buy zara pumps & blouse, and 2 tops from f21. happy happy me. :)

initially, i suggested dinning at Apple Bee's- it's their first outlet in singapore. something like, TGIF. but nicer. i had it in america a few years back, and i can never forget how good the ribs and desserts were. one whole big bowl of melted marshmallows with ice cream and chocolate. was so happy when we reached there, only to spoil my mood by saying that it's only opening next week. guess i'll have to wait till the next holiday.
thai express was... HOT! well, it was due to tom yum. but everyone had it, excluding the awesome side dishes. normally, it isn't that hot. we were saying that the chef was in good mood, kept adding chili padi into the soup. as customers, we suffered. kept fishing the chili padi out.
today was probably my last meet up with them. i will miss them so much. they made my holidays. love you people many many. :)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Awesome Shopping Trip

spent the entire day in orchard today. first half was spent with mummy and second half was spent with cindy, merrie and ann. :)

first was physiotherapy, second was shopping at centre point, third was dim sum at takashimaya's crystal jade, and last was shopping at wisma and ion. we ordered so much for dim sum that mummy had to doggy pack it back home. i just had to settle my cravings for dim sum before i fly back to melbourne. crystal jade beats shark fin's house hands down.

later, yongbin accompained me at ion (while he had to work in takashimaya) before the arrival of the three girls. continued shopping non-stop till we headed back home. had to force myself to leave early as i couldn't continue owing cindy phua more. shopping with them was unintended, hence the little cash i brought.
of all the stuff i got for myself today, i love this three the most. 1. my new mini water bottle that mummy asked me to get, that would hopefully encourage me to bring water to school as it's light. 2. my first ever prints organiser. i know right... it's my first! 3. DKNY wallet. my very belated birthday present that i chose myself given by my mum. she couldn't think of what to get for me earlier, so instead she gave me a red packet. :)

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Spike D-s On Saturday

just came back from paragon with mummy for some mini shopping. finally got myself Microsoft Office: Mac 2008, Home & Student Edition. it comes with 3 licenses, and i'm only taking 1. so i'm thinking of selling the other 2, for $83 sin each. anyone interested please contact me alright! :) price negotiable.

anyways, mummy and i visited rachel's this afternoon. they came last thursday, but we decided to pop by since we were in town. later, i went to see a physiotherapist at parkmall... because my tailbone is giving me problems! it has been a month already, initially i thought it was something small, but the pain is getting from bad to worst. i feel it when i sit and walk. well, apparently the doctor said that it's nothing serious, 2-3 more therapy sessions and hopefully i'll be alright. i better get it cured before i fly back! had my teeth checked & cleaned yesterday too. :)

check out these cool videos:

Friday, February 19, 2010

One More Week

that's right, one more week till i leave singapore for another 4 months. seems quite short, but somehow i don't feel like going back to melbourne. it's the first time i'm feeling this way. wonder why and how?
surprised cixian with yongbin and cheryl just before her birthday ended last night. it was a success, she was surprised in her PJs. hanged out at her place for quite sometime talking before heading home. nice tart bought by yongbin from takashimaya as a gift.
chinese new year is awesome! had plenty of fun playing with all the giant explosives. collected many ang baos, and the amount this year is better than previous. lots of visiting in singapore, JB and KL, and i bet i'll put on weight due to the new year goodies. decided to do something different this time, so i made a 3 minute video clip about my cny this year. will upload it soon- till i figure out how to get it up on facebook, because apparently it doesn't agree with iMovie.
happen to pass by a site address spotted from teresa's blog. was feeling bored and i decided to go take a look. luckily i did, am really amazed at the number of items she baked & the ideas she came up with. fantastic! there were so many pretty photos of her products that i wanted to put all of them up on my blog. such a creative baker, she was also featured on the martha stewart show.

Friday, February 12, 2010

It's Coming...

mummy have been doing lots of flower arrangements for the house just for this chinese new year, and i especially like this. :) am so happy that the eve is tomorrow, and my whole family will be heading into JB and KL until tuesday. can't wait to see all my relatives, despite last seeing them in less than a month. packed my mini luggage for the upcoming trip, all ready to gamble, take pictures, and go bai nian.

will be having the regular family steamboat session at my house tonight, and maybe waterloo temple. there's going to be tons of food, and i bet we can't finish it. went to ntuc with mummy twice this week, and on both days it was so packed! today's bill was 500 bucks, and the previous bill was 700 bucks. not kidding, it's all because of chinese new year. ntuc is earning big bucks this month.

alright people, i guess i won't be blogging until i'm back from malaysia. in the meantime, hope you guys will enjoy your chinese new year, and may everyone have a good year ahead! :)

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

My 19th Birthday

had such wonderful birthday celebrations this year, all thanks to my family and friends who made my birthday such an awesome one! :) managed to meet up with everyone that i love, except for boyfriend who is in far away land... well, at least i saw him through skype at the stroke of midnight on my birthday.

ong ci xian
cixian was finally free to go shopping with me in town last tuesday. :) we stopped over at far east plaza first and visited good friend at the stall she was working at. witnessed a malaysian couple attempting to run away from good friend after paying 10 bucks less. luckily, good friend managed to catch up with them and claim the money back! why are people so dishonest?

after shopping for quite a bit, both of us went for some awesome chicken rice located at the top level of far east. we went back twice due to the super long queue, but the wait was worthwhile. :)
we moved on to other shopping centres, and took our own sweet time to browse though the shops. bought myself a dress for chinese new year and chose a present for myself from cixian. got topshop pumps, i like. :) thank you so much!

my family
haha, unglam much! woke up at 11am and mummy prepared mee sua for me. until today i still do not understand why must we eat mee sua with 2 eggs in it on our birthdays. couldn't finish both, so i ate half of each. mummy also surprised me with a bouquet of flowers that she made herself. so touched and i like it a lot.
thereafter, i accompanied my mum for some shopping spree in town. mummy was mainly looking for shoes and i must say that her feet is really so small, no sizes! she was so disappointed as she saw many pairs that she likes. anyways, we settled for korean barbecue at takashimaya as i had strong cravings for it. ordered the exact same set when i went there with teresa, and mummy loved it. was surprise that i actually ate two bowls of rice. :)
at 8.30pm, just before leaving the house for st james, i had the usual blow cake celebration with my family. i love my birthday cake, it was new york cheesecake from bakerzin, super delicious. i think i ate almost a quarter of it, hahahahaha! it was that good. the candles keep increasing every year, i could actually feel the heat this time.
finally an almost complete kumaleh clubbing session at st james power house. it was such a blast that night! all of us had so much fun, couldn't stop laughing and dancing. we didn't get a table, so we were on the dance floor throughout the night, no rests. luckily i wasn't in heels.
to our surprise, cheryl and yongbin were the first to arrive. warren, bram, cixian and i took our own sweet time to bus there. the guys bought vodka, sprite and cranberry juice and went drinking beside the river at vivo city to get themselves high, and it worked out perfectly for warren and yongbin. we girls weren't attracted by their idea, so we entered the club and played 5,10,15 till the guys came. lots of free drinks provided for us ladies, 3 vodka cranberry and 3 breezers. :)
apparently, warren tan didn't know when to stop. he was mad drunk that night! joker. cheryl said that she finally saw his true colours.
just look at all his expressions. he was totally crazy. the funny thing is, he couldn't even remember what actually happened. we were telling him about all the stuff he did, and he was like "huh, really meh!". didn't post up any aftermath photos of warren tan, not that nice. :)
yongbin was the second 'highest' of us all. have no idea why i have so many photos with him, he hardly agrees to take pictures with me. stupid bram's finger spoiled the shot. haha!
attempting to get a shot of all of us. no nice one at all. :( xiaohan, where are you!!! if you were there, it would complete & mission accomplished!
we went onto the podium this time round. like what cheryl said, it's so much more cooling up there then down there. at least, you don't have to squeeze like mad.

we left the club once DJ kzee left, which was 3 plus am in the morning. witnessed 2 fights outside the club, so scary man. one guy was bleeding very badly, his tissue was all covered with blood. hanged outside the club awhile before leaving. if not for warren, we may have stayed till mac donald's breakfast was open. had a hard time taking care of warren, as he was so dead. he kept sitting down, refusing to move. and when he moved, he wouldn't walk straight. haha! really the joke of the night. instead of warren sending us home, cixian, bram and i had to send him back to his house first.

made in swiss
the whole gang met up again, and this time it was dinner at fish & co. :) we were there to celebrate my, cixian and yuping birthday, as well as to send junyang off to army. everything was organised by sinting and she sure did a very good job. we were all having fun that night!

me, yongbin and cixian were the first to reach, and after waiting for half an hour everyone were still not present. we found out later that sinting asked us to meet at 6 while our table was only booked at 6.30! she knew that people would be late, so clever.
took tons of pictures while waiting for everyone's order to be placed. everything's up on facebook, here's just a short summary. :)
food finally came after a very long wait. the seafood plater looked very good, should have shared it with someone. instead, i had the best fish and chips. it was nice, but i couldn't even finish half of it. the boys helped me polished everything up.
after everyone had finished their main courses, the waiter brought out a cake with 3 candles lighted. honestly, i wasn't surprise as i expected something like that to happen. but what totally caught me off guard was the cake! i was so shocked and happy. you can't deny that the cake is unique and special. :)
the fish and co people wanted us to stand on the chairs, but we didn't want to attract so much attention, the number of people at our table was enough! frankly speaking, i think fish and co should change their so-called birthday song. yes, it's unique, but we totally can't figure out a single word they said/sang/cheered. anyways, i look damn short in the photos above. but i think it's mainly because they are very tall.
our birthday cards made by everyone, mainly sinting. i was really very touched, despite seeing them writing their personal messages right in front of me. the amount of effort she puts in...
next, it was junyang's turn. instead of singing "happy birthday to you", we sang "happy entry to army". haha, it was all cheryl's idea. very stupid yet funny. he's holding a card made by us as well as a pack of magic cards given to him by kumaleh plus jieying. that pack of cards costs 55 bucks, and he's very happy. apparently, it's like the best of all the different types of magic card decks.
each of us ate our own faces. everyone love our picture on the cake as it was our dp. except for yongbin, don't understand why he put such a nerdy/retarded picture as dp! haha. :)
thank you so much everyone for that awesome night. till we meet again.

melbourne buddies
though it's almost a week late, but i had absolute fun with my aussie girfriends. :) the four of us met up at holland village and walked to 2am:dessert bar. as the name spells, it's bar that soley sells desserts as their mains, and have side dishes such as wedges. it opens at 4pm and closes at 2am, and people only start entering around 8pm. initially i thought that it wouldn't have much customers. surprisingly, it was quite packed despite being a monday night.
we ordered 3 sides dishes first. chicken drumlets with chili sauce, chicken chops with honey mustard mayo sauce, and wedges with tomato-ish sauce. their portions were huge, and their homemade sauces were great, we even asked for more. my favourite was the chicken chops, i feel like having it now!
of course, we had to order their desserts. we tried 2 first, and wanted more, so we had another 2.
CHOCOLATE- warm tart, pink ginger fluid, salted caramel, blood orange sorbet.
ARAGUANI H20- valrhona chocolate 72%, Evian, caramel mousse, praline, yuzu sorbet.
TOFFEE PUDDING- custard, maple whisky jelly, parfait
STRAWBERRIES & SWEET MILK- macerated strawberries, panna cotta, sweet milk gelee, grapefruit marshmallow.
the owner was very funny, friendly and nice. he saw my friends giving me a present, and came to our table and asked whether it was anyone's birthday. when we finished, he kept asking us whether we were leaving soon, and shifted a plate from my side to rachel's side. so weird. but little did we know that he was actually preparing a mini surprise for me. he replaced the cake with chocolate bon bons, very nice! i love it. :)
thank you so much for the present as well as the handmade card girls. they got me a pastel pink agnes b passport holder. sweet merrie actually remembered that i wanted a passport holder from kikki last year. this is better, i like. :)