Friday, April 16, 2010


my april holidays just flew past like that, i didn't get to make full use of it. now, i'm moving on to week 7, with lots of work and assignments pilling in. luckily, 2 tests are done and over. i need a break, which i know it'll never happen. i guess i just have to pull through the next 7 weeks, before my ass lands in singapore. :)

it reminded me of who were the ones who love and care for me. was so touched just by receiving a simple Facebook message. what more, an email or a hug. i know i've made the right decision, and i'm proud of myself for that. life goes on, and i'm glad i'm having much fun.

things have drastically? changed though it's been only two weeks. i wonder if it's good or bad. there's no rush, so i'm taking it slow, only time will tell. i guess my april holidays weren't such a waste. he gave me new perspectives, all that never once crossed my mind.


  1. Are you okay girlie? Cheer up! Even though I don't know what happened exactly but take care of yourself okay? Have fun is the most important thing now because you(we!) are still young. Come back to Singapore soon and let's go clubbing together(hahaha!!).
    xoxo Teresa

  2. haha, yeah. don't worry. i'm okay and alright! no problem man. i seriously can't wait for the winter holidays to come. :)
