Saturday, February 12, 2011


one of the best things that had happened to me over this summer break is interning at Citi.

last night was Citi, GTS' annual Chinese New Year dinner at Ritz Carlton. there were 70 tables in total, and guests were big shots from companies such as Barclays, Credit Suisse, Prudential, OCBC, EDB, JP Morgan, BNP, etc, etc. the list could go on forever. it was nice to be asked to help out at registration as i always wanted to experience a corporate world event. last night was my first.

for the past two days, work had pretty much been around the topic of CNY meals. had a CNY department lunch at Singapore Recreational Club last thursday, everyone was just in a let-loose mood, it was great! that day, i stayed at Citi till 8pm as i was in charge of helping haixiang to print name cards for 700 guests, and making sure that tables had 10 persons each. it was a tough job since staff kept requesting to change sits to make sure they had their clients on their table.

last night started off with me, an intern, at the reception desk welcoming guests, and ended off with me seated at the VIP table. all thanks to Larry Komo, he's the man! initially, i was at the last table located at the end of the ballroom, table 77, since i just wanted to check out what the atmosphere was like. then came Larry, who forcefully placed my hand on his arm and ushered me right across the ballroom to the front table. it was a high pressure, 6 Managing Directors, and 1 intern. but, i think i did pretty well. :)

that's why i love the people in Securities Funds Services. they always make me feel so comfortable no matter how high their ranks are. i will really miss them when i head back to melbourne.

its a pity i didn't take any pictures at all, was too busy mingling around. everyone was in their chinese traditional outfits. the guys were in their changshan, and the ladies were in their cheongsam, including me, i wore a white one. everyone looked great, i really hope i can get my hands on the pictures from the professional photographers.

thereafter, i joined some of my colleagues from Financial Institutions at Lunar, located at clarke quay. met so many other Citi people from Equities and Trading, awesome shit. they were really friendly to me. kept asking me to sing, and drank for me whenever i lost at the dice game. by the way, it was my first time at a KTV, good experience i guess. i got home at 4.30am in the morning.

tell me, how not to love Citi? i don't wanna leave.

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