Friday, February 19, 2010

One More Week

that's right, one more week till i leave singapore for another 4 months. seems quite short, but somehow i don't feel like going back to melbourne. it's the first time i'm feeling this way. wonder why and how?
surprised cixian with yongbin and cheryl just before her birthday ended last night. it was a success, she was surprised in her PJs. hanged out at her place for quite sometime talking before heading home. nice tart bought by yongbin from takashimaya as a gift.
chinese new year is awesome! had plenty of fun playing with all the giant explosives. collected many ang baos, and the amount this year is better than previous. lots of visiting in singapore, JB and KL, and i bet i'll put on weight due to the new year goodies. decided to do something different this time, so i made a 3 minute video clip about my cny this year. will upload it soon- till i figure out how to get it up on facebook, because apparently it doesn't agree with iMovie.
happen to pass by a site address spotted from teresa's blog. was feeling bored and i decided to go take a look. luckily i did, am really amazed at the number of items she baked & the ideas she came up with. fantastic! there were so many pretty photos of her products that i wanted to put all of them up on my blog. such a creative baker, she was also featured on the martha stewart show.

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