Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Awesome Shopping Trip

spent the entire day in orchard today. first half was spent with mummy and second half was spent with cindy, merrie and ann. :)

first was physiotherapy, second was shopping at centre point, third was dim sum at takashimaya's crystal jade, and last was shopping at wisma and ion. we ordered so much for dim sum that mummy had to doggy pack it back home. i just had to settle my cravings for dim sum before i fly back to melbourne. crystal jade beats shark fin's house hands down.

later, yongbin accompained me at ion (while he had to work in takashimaya) before the arrival of the three girls. continued shopping non-stop till we headed back home. had to force myself to leave early as i couldn't continue owing cindy phua more. shopping with them was unintended, hence the little cash i brought.
of all the stuff i got for myself today, i love this three the most. 1. my new mini water bottle that mummy asked me to get, that would hopefully encourage me to bring water to school as it's light. 2. my first ever prints organiser. i know right... it's my first! 3. DKNY wallet. my very belated birthday present that i chose myself given by my mum. she couldn't think of what to get for me earlier, so instead she gave me a red packet. :)

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