Sunday, March 7, 2010

Melbourne Thus Far

hello once again, i'm finally back to this page after so many days. reason being, i was occupied with so many things in melbourne...

first meal in melbourne
touched down and i immediately went for lunch with my cousin at ying tai on lygon. my all time favourite asian restaurant in melbourne. spent that day running errands, cleaning up my new house, going to the bank, etc. after one tiring day of work, i went for dinner with rachel & mum for awesome japanese meal, raw sashimi. : )

getting into place
the next day, merrie, cindy and boyfriend arrived. morning was just spent moving my stuff from boyfriend's place to my house, afternoon was spent unpacking and night was just more unpacking. called the movers though, 50 bucks an hour, nice and cheap!
went to ikea with merrie to buy stuff for our house early one morning. the trip there was almost two hours, because we kept missing trams. wasn't an easy trip back though, i was struggling. but after much buying & shifting, i've finally got my room settled. it's red/pink, i love it. :) pictures of it will be up soon...

like finally
and, i finally got my hands on blackberry 9700! pretty isn't it? iphone is still with me, decided not to sell it. anyways, i'm loving bbm, twitter & facebook. with such awesome applications, i guess i won't be blogging often. do checkout my facebook mobile uploads and twitts instead.

cute little things
little cupcakes craving settled at degraves with cindy and rachel one afternoon. i had freddos and max brenner's too. took away an exploding chocolate shot and bought 2 tubs of ice cream yesterday. happy & fat me. :)

korean barbecue
had korean bbq with kim seng, merrie and cindy one night near victoria market. haven't been to korea before, so i still feel that melbourne has the best korean bbq. wanted to go to the previous restaurant we went to, but it was full. luckily the food that night was good too. :)

expensive 2 hours
caught two movies so far and both were so good. watched shutter island with boyfriend and dear john with merrie and cindy. shutter island was such a good thriller, the twist was totally awesome. leonardo dicaprio is such a good actor, love him. everyone should watch it despite it being scary. no ghosts at all. dear john was another of those sad/touching love stories. cried the most in this film compared to a walk to remember, notebook, and if only. the ending wasn't that great though, should have been better. by the way, rachel told me that the words "Dear John" is used when breaking up with your boyfriend, and the words "Dear Jane" is used when breaking up with your girlfriend. don't know how true is that, but cool fact.

ice cubes falling from the sky
the hail that messed everything up. we were shopping at myers, and just as we were about to exit, it started pouring crazily. boyfriend called me all of a sudden, and told me that it was hail and not rain. looked out, and we were shocked. saw people taking pictures, cars stopping under the shelter and large ice cubes and leaves on the roads. apparently, train and tram services stopped, moomba was flushed out, cars were dented and a roof actually collapsed.

not much fun
lectures has started last week, and tutorials this week. i really hope i make new friends. well, in week one, i already have 2 assignments released and i'm struggling with business finance. help.

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