Sunday, January 2, 2011

Legal Freedom

my dear xiaohan turned 21 on christmas eve, but she had her birthday celebration at copthorne king hotel on the 18th instead. i had lots of fun at her party, nice meeting up with the whole big swiss gang after not seeing them for almost a year. in less than 2 years, there will be more 21st birthday parties coming up. :)
xiaohan had a christmas party theme, hence all the different head gears. thank god for daiso, nice and cheap. we had normal party food and drinks, and were all so full in an hour.
photos and more photos! basically snapped through the night with so many cameras being around us. that alone, occupied so much of our time in the room. the group picture of us on the bed gives me a very gossip girl feel, i like that. haha!
we never fail to gamble during big gatherings. this time we also played drinking games like 007 and 7-up. thank god i'm not too bad at them, i really dislike drinking. haha! finished one bottle of martel real quick. junyang was totally gone before we left to club. love the above picture of us, we all look so happy!
we had a great view from the balcony plus sinting's camera takes so pretty pictures, hence the numerous shots.
everyone left the hotel at different timings to different places, while warren, junyang, cixian, jieying, evonne, and i were the last to leave and we went to zouk. sadly, it was way too packed that we had to head over to rebel to club, leaving junyang there with his friends.

first time at rebel and i really enjoyed myself that night. it would have been better if i was in flats instead of heels, and would have probably stayed longer at the club. music was really good especially towards the end of the night. :) warren had a really busy night since he had to look out for us 4 girls. however, the shepherd got bored in the last hour and went to hunt for preys. leaving his sheep to fend for themselves against those hungry wolves out there.

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