Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Marmalade Pantry

random decision to go to town with my brother since we have nothing to do at home. had prawn noodles cooked by aunty jean for lunch before leaving the house, it was really good man. will definitely miss her cooking when she leaves us next year, she's the best cook!

walked around and guess what i caught my eyes on in less than 30 minutes. a beige winter jacket from Zara - i got it immediately after our tea break. it's really pretty, and i'm surprised that it only costs 90 bucks. a jacket like that would be around 120 aussie.
yes, jonny joined me and my brother at marmalade. their first time meeting each other, and they clicked man. oh well, who doesn't click with jonny right? haha! my brother told him that he looked like gurmit singh with those spects, and that he's such a poser. LOL.
Elvis - chocolate cup cake with peanut butter frosting.
Geisha - buttermilk cup cake with green tea frosting.
never knew that they were famous for their sticky date pudding. jonny insisted that we try it and it's really good man. better than the one at la camera in melbourne. rachel, heard that? this is an additional something for you to look forward to in singapore man!

thanks jonny for the meal.


  1. finally a decent photo of your brother, haha!!

  2. haha, i have tons. didn't share with you only.
