Monday, January 18, 2010

The Whole Family Get Together

yesterday was my grandma's 82nd surprise birthday celebration. it was organised by my ah yee, and all my relatives had to be there, from my uncles and aunties to my nephews. everyone was present, except for 6 family members who gave valid reasons not to be there.

my family drove up in the morning and arrived just in time for some indian rojak for lunch. it tasted good, better than the chinese ones, sweet and not too spicy. slacked over at my uncle's house and played pictionary and taboo with my cousins. we never fail to play them.
finally left for ah yee's house to give grandma her surprise at 6pm. i was the first to step into the house. grandma was so cute. she was sitting at the dinning table looking through photos, and when she saw me, she pointed at me, smiled and shouted "eh, yilin!" one by one, everybody started entering. we then told her that we were celebrating her birthday in advance and that everyone was here. she was so happy and started giving everyone kisses on their cheeks. :)
they are my nephews- shawn and lucas. shawn's always smiling and lucas's always stoning.
saying grace before we dig in to our awesome buffet dinner prepared by all my uncles and aunties. so delicious, had to have a second helping. desserts were good too, especially the delicious homemade nonya kuehs made by ah yee.
spend our time eating, chatting and snapping photos. there were like 3 DSLRs that night, which explains why i didn't take much. totally have no idea when i'll be able to get the photos.
finally decided to start singing the birthday song at the stroke of nine.
she's with her first two grandchildren and her first two great grandchildren.
with all her grandchildren, 5 not present.
with her children, 1 not present.
singing the birthday song in 2 languages and blowing the candles. it was so funny, grandma, shawn and lucas were using all their effort/might to blow them off!
look at the number of presents that grandma received! she was so happy that night, her smile tells it all. :)
a family picture with grandma and without yenlin.

we all left ah yee's place around 12 midnight. headed back to uncle's house and got to sleep real quick. we were so tired after one whole day of fun. :)

woke up early the next day and headed back to singapore. we had roti prata and nasi lemak for breakfast, and had mee rebus for lunch at one of the pit stops. love malaysian food.

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