Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Jon is OUT of MC!

quite disappointed that i can't watch it online from singapore, but i have been following their photo gallery for every episode. sad to say, my idol jonathan (the middle one) is OUT of the competition!!! :( he was in a pressure test with jimmy and courtney last night, and the lucky 2 stayed. i've never seen courtney cooked before, but i don't really fancy her, and jimmy's cooking is just so-so lah.

jonny was me and rachel's favourite from the day we started watching masterchef. have been watching masterchef every single day, without missing any episode due to jonathan (besides the food). now that jonny has left, i guess i'm just left with one last person to support, that is, claire. being avid fans, me and rachel said that we will go patronise his french bistro once it's open. heard that it's in sydney, so all the more we will go! :) prolly next year.

okay, i thought me and rachel were being over-ily crazy about him. but there are way more crazy fans out there! i've just read the comments given by jono's fans, some of them are very true and some are damn exaggerated! it's so damn funny.

"please consider Manly, then we will be there every day." YES, manly beach rocks.

"I am absolutely devastated. You deserved to be in the finals. You had the most commitment and passion than anyone else there! What were the point of those questions the judges gave which you answered the best there." VERY TRUE, totally agree.

"I was crying after today's episode." may have cried if i was watching.

"Why are we still watching Jimmy make curry?" super funny man!

"I am not watching anymore,

this show becomes ridiculous!!!!!!!!

the wrong ones are eliminated!!!" okay lah, not that serious. will still watch, but prolly not everyday!

"jonathan - you are a true masterchef in moreways than one. you can see by the comments in media coverage that people thought that both you and marion were the real contenders. you were the ones everyone wanted to see fight it at the end." everyone supports him!

"You, your GENUINE smile and attitude of being the best shines through. I shall miss you, you are an amazing Gentleman Chef." his smile was what first attracted rachel and i.

"You are the most genuine and humble of all the contestants." :)

"the deserving never win it.. BUT they are the more successful once they start their own thing after the competition." okay, self-consolation! partially true.

"I have loved seeing you in the competition ever since the beginning and I truly admire your skills and talent in thinking up such intelligent and creative dishes." jono is really one of the best!

"Now with Jono leaving MC has lost it's Intelligence" haha! joke.

"I am an Architect interested in helping you live your dream of opening a french bistro - would love to discuss this with you. if interested - i can be contacted through the ideen architecture website." okay, i love this comment the best. really hardcore fan. better be nice! :)


  1. Hey just wanted to let you know that you can catch Masterchef on www.dailymotion.com. Just type Masterchef Australia in the search box. I don't like Jonny! I find him cocky and arrogant. Anyway, hope you'll get your masterchef fix ;-) XXx

  2. hey, thanks a lot for the link! :) yeah, i know many find him arrogant and cocky, and it beats me. :)
