Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Smiles on a Sunday

went out with sister, yenlin, for lunch at strictly pancakes on sunday. i'm not really a fan of pancakes as i find them dry, and i usually just eat one. i prefer waffles anytime, because at least they have some crunch! but to my surprise, the 'lemon curd for the nerds' pancakes i had were awesome. chocolates pancakes were moist and they were topped with lemon zest, custard and cream to balance the sweetness. sister's 'strawberries & co.' pancakes were great as well. however, having a medium stack is just way too much. we couldn't finish them, jelat.
guess where was i? yes, the railway tracks near railway mall! whenever i drive past railway mall, the amount of people standing on the bridge just amazes me. i keep thinking to myself, what's the big deal about it? little did i know, that i would be actually walking on the tracks on the last day that it was opened to public.

to some, it might be the significance of the place. it could be meeting their best friend there (a reason yongbin gave?), taking their wedding photos there, or prolly for the elderly, a route that they have always travelled on since young when entering the neighbouring country. but for cixian, yongbin and i, we simply wanted to hang out before i fly back to melbourne tomorrow. so... yongbin suggested taking a walk there.
among all the trips that i've been back since trinity. this is the most amount of times i met up with this girl. random jogs around our estate, bali planning, bali trip, bali 'de-briefing', group gatherings, shopping, eating, and sleepovers. couldn't have been better!
same applies to yongbin. not forgetting the numerous long phone calls i have with him whenever i'm at home and he's in camp!! the funny thing is, i realised that i've only started to become real close with him after studying abroad. i guess the distance doesn't matter when someone means so much. it just depends on whether you wanna keep the friendship going. right?
some 'artistic' shots that yongbin randomly took with my camera.

to the fellow kumaleh members, don't get jealous huh! you guys mean equally as much to me though you're not specially mentioned in this post. my holiday back here would have been so dull and boring without meeting up with you guys, i had so much fun!! :)

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