Friday, June 25, 2010

Family's Love

i'm home. mummy and daddy came to pick me up from the airport at 6am in the morning. was so happy to see them and to see the smiles on their faces. the flight back wasn't good. didn't get enough sleep as the seats were really uncomfortable. frankly speaking, i don't see what's so good about singapore airlines. love the new and bigger screen, but the smaller seats really spoil it all. anyways, i bought masterchef magazine for aunty jean, hoping to try re-create some of their delicious desserts. finally got my new uggs too, it was almost 100 bucks off. :)

caught up on sleep when i reached home. booked my driving lesson at 2pm, but i mistook it for 4pm, hence i missed it. was really looking forward to driving, no one else to blame but my careless self. anyways, first and last auto car lesson tomorrow, hope it goes well.

just came back from a movie premier- Gone Shopping, at NUS alumni building. my parents were invited by their friends for the event, and mummy kindly asked for another ticket for me! :) there was a buffet dinner and a cocktail session before the movie screening started. i realise i seem to really enjoy socialising around with people. oh, and i finally wore my tony biancos! really high, yet comfortable. anyways, back to topic. Gone Shopping is a local movie production that will be out in the cinemas on the 26th of july. the director/producer of the movie is my dad's friend's daughter. hence, the invitations. the movie was really meaningful, i found that the message she was trying to provoke was rather strong. the downside of the movie was that it was really slow and quite draggy. but overall, it was a decent local movie. for more information, click here.

after the function, parents and i went to sunset way's (my old house) buttercake&cream. my folks had their waffles, while i had my chocolate pudding. food was just alright, tasted better ones elsewhere, and will not go back again. haha! picked my youngest sister up from her school's dance concert, and it was home sweet home. :)

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