Sunday, September 26, 2010

My Cup of Tea

went for afternoon tea with rachel tjong on thursday at hopetoun tearooms. can't believe that we only discovered this place very recently after being here for 3 years. a very small english tearoom located on collin's block arcade. they have a wide range of teas, and their cakes/pies/tarts displayed on the window is just mouth-watering!!
we ordered vanilla tea, highly recommended by the waitress. & guess what my dear friend rachel did. she poured milk and SALT (spamming) into our tea, thinking it was SUGAR. what a big joke. i was thinking to myself why doesn't the vanilla tea taste nice at all. in fact, so salty.
blackberry really can't let your fingers rest.
they were so good, we had hazelnut and strawberry sponge cake. the hazelnut one was solid, felt as though i was just eating kinder bueno chocolate. very rich and moist, yet not too sweet. the strawberry sponge cake was just yummy and fruity, perfect for an afternoon tea snack.

really enjoyed that slackish 1-2 hours having afternoon tea with one of my besties. i could really do this everyday. can holidays please be longer? i want more time so that i can get back there and try the rest of their delights. :)

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