Friday, August 12, 2011


3 nights ago, we celebrated singapore's national day at billboard. dinner from old town mamak was served, followed by the live screening of the parade, and lastly... the after party!!! i must say, that was the best clubbing session i have ever had in melbourne. it was just so fabulous.
girls gone wild. we were on the dance floor throughout the night. the heels didn't stop us, we took them off to dance!! zhang yao dong and dawn yeoh were there too, cindy was obessed with him. we all took pictures together - zhang yao dong looks better on tv though.
i love these 2 pictures with kenneth. best pictures we've ever taken.
crazy bunch of people i met over the weekend - jokers and drinkers. i had a jagerbomb and a tequila shot that night, while they kept drinking more. i think my tolerance level for alcohol has increased a lot!!

lesson learnt from that night - don't club on weekdays. struggling to stay awake during class the next day though lecture was only at noon.

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