Saturday, March 26, 2011

Red Rabbits

i know that the chinese new year festive period has long been gone. but i'm here to share a few of my favourite pictures throughout that few days of non-stop eating, drinking, chatting, gambling and camera-ing with my family, relatives and friends.
i love this family picture, just a few minutes before the first day of lunar new year and my 20th birthday.
the men just prefer drinking wine to tea, despite a eastern festive period. that's good, as we have plenty of untouched wine, since we don't drink.
new twister. so much more tangles with these extra hoops! tried it yet?
i'm planning for a proper family photo shoot this july!
my nieces and nephews are all so adorable! love them to bits.
i had a 2kg spike d birthday cake! everyone just kept asking for more. oh my god, really feel like having some now. is it possible to buy some up from singapore, can clear customs? my parents and sis are coming up in april over the easter break! cannot wait.
the best mum in the entire world.
papa and his elder siblings with their aunt.
look at how red these women are?! we need some shades man!
so nerf guns are the in-thing now? we spend a good 30 minutes playing with them. my dad had the most fun, young at heart.
played the usual fireworks. we had a real huge one this year, beautifully captured on video. takes too long to upload it though!
went house visiting with kumaleh, and we had bbq and steamboat specially prepared by yongbin's mum at his place. it was delicious!
cheryl's house turned into a gambling den. poker, black jack, in between, and mahjong. played till 5am in the morning, and home-d!
first sunflower received in my life.

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