Sunday, March 27, 2011

Take A Walk

arrived in melbourne with dear jonny picking me up at the airport! went back home, washed up, and met up with dear rachel and kimmy. got my canon s95 after lunch, and ahead to the park for a walk. what a great sunny day. if only singapore has such cooling and sunny weather!

right now, melbourne is freezing. my heater at home is on almost 24/7, electricity bill's bound to shoot up like mad. we have 4 more weeks to a 1 week easter break, thereafter, 4 more weeks to SWOT VAC, and 3 more weeks to home. for now, i can't wait for easter, cause that will be the earliest break i have as there are 3 mid semester tests and 1 assignment due within this next month! year 3, no excuse for not studying.

cannot wait for my parents and sister to come up! sister will be staying at my place, while my folks will be staying in a hotel. gonna use this opportunity to travel to all the tourist-y places given that we have a car. strawberry picking, lavender farm, horse riding, dandenong's scones, grampians, wilsom promontory, phillip island, etc. all the good food coming my way in late april, shall visit another fine dinning restaurant.

the above shall be my motivation to study.

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