Monday, January 31, 2011

It's Supper Time!

have been having late night suppers for the past 2 fridays. on both nights, we had G7 frog lee congee. the first was at bukit timah, and the second was at geylang. it is really so delicious and SPICY. i couldn't stop myself from eating that tender meat and drinking the black sauce despite getting my lips burned from the chillies. two thumbs up. :)
so anyways, headed down to orchard last friday to meet up with yongbin after work. we did some last minute chinese new year shopping till late while waiting for the others to come. finally, we all took a bus and went to geylang. either my first or second time there.
we ordered 4 big pots of frogs and 2 big pots of congee, shared among us 9. the food was really tasty, i feel like having some right now!! definitely need to bring my family to G7, they will love it.
ordered marmite fried chicken, tou fu and osyter omelette as well. thank god me and yongbin skipped our dinner, if not we wouldn't be able to enjoy our supper to the fullest! everything was so good.
we finally have a complete kumaleh group picture, and that's after years. we ate from 11.30pm to 2.30am in the morning. i was so tired by the time we finished eating. struggled my way through all those "after supper talks", before cabbing back with emma. the rest then went to neverland. i admire their energy.

maybe that's because i'm working, hence more rest required. speaking of citi, i'm loving every single day at work. the journey back and fourth is unpleasant, but i do enjoy the rest of my day. everyone in office is so nice, helping me out with work, buying me lunches and treating me to drinks. my colleagues are more like friends to me, i better treasure the remaining 3 weeks. next internship, a different department of citi? :)

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Chocolate Chip Cookies

it is the time of the year where we bake chocolate chip cookies for chinese new year. this time, we bought 3kg of biscuit mix since they are always gone in a blink of an eye. best homemade chocolate chip cookies i have ever tasted. i kid you not. so today i spent half the afternoon baking them with aunty jean and my youngest sister, kailin. so easy to bake, and its really delicious!
our cookie batter. the biscuit mix is why our cookies taste so good. can't seem to find that particular biscuit mix in singapore though. we got ours all the way from KL, thanks to my aunt!
we did 7 trays of cookies just with 1kg of biscuit mix. didn't know we had so many trays kept in our cupboards, it just kept coming out.
after a short 12 minutes, the cookies are out, hot and soft from the oven.
let the cookies cool for a good 20 minutes so that they're crunchy!
we made 7 boxes of cookies, and in each of them there are 30. we have 2kg more of biscuit mix, hence, 14 more boxes in total. :)

work starts tomorrow again, and here goes the cycle for this week. thank god the people at work make up for the somewhat mundane job.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

My Dad's Birthday

on the 7th of january, my family picked me up after work and off we went to boat quay for japanese fine dining. i can't remember the name of the restaurant, but it starts with a D. the chef was previously from Shangri-La. needless to say, the food was 2 thumbs up.
miso mousse, salmon with honey dew, dried squid.
sashimi, my all time favourite. first time trying raw prawns, good!
scallops with fish eggs
slow cooked osyters and mushrooms with god-like sweet gravy
homemade ramen noodleswagyu beef (medium), the portion was too little though.
black sesame ice cream, yums!

one thing i love about this restaurant is that there is no menu. the chef personally designs the menu for you depending on the ingredients he has with him and what you like. everything is flown in from japan daily, so it's super duper fresh. we wanted to try this 24 hours cooked pork, but it was out of stock. people actually call in 3 days in advance just to book that dish. our dinner costs us 89 bucks per person. honestly, i feel that its a little overpriced, despite feeling so full.
ended the birthday celebration with a secret recipe oreo cheesecake.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Officer Zhou

my blog posts are really not in any chronological order, since i haven't had the chance to compile all the photos from the past events in the last 2 weeks. just an hour ago, i realised that i left the whole of gold coast trip out from my blog. how could i? it is such a good memory that i must have at least a picture or two on this webpage. shall find some time!

so last saturday was spent with cixian and yongbin. the main reason for the meet-up was to attend junyang's commissioning parade. but we decided to go for lunch in town and to get our chinese new year shopping done. so glad i've settled my clothings from day 1 - 3.
please try the fishball noodles (dry) in ion food court. it's so freaking good. i'm forcing my colleagues to go there for lunch this friday. :)
in ben sherman where we waited for our dearest yongbin to try out shirts. guys take as long as us girls when it comes to buying clothes. trust me on that. oh well, one polo costs 170 bucks. i guess that comes with 30 minutes of contemplation. or more than that.
my favourite spike d. introduced it to cixian and yongbin, and they love it. i wouldn't mind having a big one as my 20th birthday cake. sounds like a great idea since my family are all durian lovers.
after a 45 minutes jam in the cab on the highway which costs us 40 bucks, the 10 minutes wait at the safti guardhouse due to the heavy rain, the 5 minutes stinky army car ride to the parade square, the long long walks in the huge safti camp (which looks really amazing!), the stupid drizzle that we had to walk under, and poor yongbin getting his shoes soaked through, we finally met our officer zhou jun yang for a short 10 minutes. only to take a photo and to collect an ang pao since yongbin saluted him. from there we hopped onto the shuttle bus that took us to jurong point. that wasn't all, junyang had to do extra army time just to see us. what a precious photo, right?

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Last of 2010

working at Citi has drained me. besides slacking on my bed/sofa watching shows once i'm home, i have no interest in doing anything else on weekdays. weekends have been spent with my secondary school friends and family. i choose to use the remainder as my "me-time". anyways, i'm finally blogging about my stay at marina bay sands on the 30th and 31st of december 2010. i know i'm 16 days late.
due to work, i only reached the hotel at night. went right up to the sky park after viewing our rooms. the view is so beautiful, 100 times better than day, so in love with it. i think we practically spent 1.5 hours up there chit-chatting and taking tons of pictures. oh, i really wanna visit the chocolate bar up there. someone bring me there please...
dear rachel was there with her family as well. thanks to aunty jean, i managed to enter ku de ta to experience the "lifestyle less ordinary". honestly speaking, it is just another hangout place for socialites who ran out of places to go. you get the same view from other parts of the rooftop, besides the dance floor is kinda small and music wasn't good. nevertheless, rachel and i literally soaked in the view and enjoyed the cool breeze from the 57th level for a good half an hour. thereafter, my siblings and i, plus jon, chilled at rachel's room with ryan. :)
walked to centennial tower from mbs early in the morning. how nice if my work place is just a stone throw away from my house. people do morning walks in the park, i did it in the city. my brother and dad went for a swim early in the morning, they said it was freezing cold. thanks to the monthly call, i missed the swim. :(
since it was new year's eve, work was only half a day. my relatives from JB came out after lunch and we spent our afternoon shopping, and slacking in the room. cousins in my room, aunties and uncles in my parents'. check out my new bag from river island, i love it.
what a nice view of a teeny weeny part of the casino.
went for dinner at some chinese restaurant, located opposite raffles hotel. first time there, and the food's really good. we had such a wide spread of dishes, it felt as though i was having a chinese new year reunion dinner. i had the best XO prawns there, and that's my favourite dish of the night. what a good recommendation by papa's banker.
back to the hotel and chilled at the sky park until 10.30pm. reason being, hotel guests weren't allowed up there due to the private function. prices for the tickets are really ridiculous as well, i won't pay for it.
anyways, got ourselves a great view of the fireworks on the helix bridge. this year's fireworks display seems a little shorter than last's. that shouldn't be the case, since there's so much more revenue coming from the casinos right? anyhow, went back to the hotel room and did our popping of champagne after the whole thing ended. my relatives waited 2 hours to collect their car from valet, that's how huge the crowd was.

in regards to the service MBS has provided, i feel that they have improved since my last trip there. given the amount of people there that night, everything's pretty well controlled.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Mummy's So Talented

my ex chinese tutor's daughter is getting married tomorrow. knowing that mummy goes for floral arrangement classes, she asked if mummy could do a favour for her daughter's big day. of course she had the intention to pay, but mummy made everything for them free of charge out of her own goodwill. i didn't know mummy was that good at floral arrangement until i saw the photos just now. i was so impressed!!! it took her the entire afternoon to get these stuff done.
appreciation bouquet - given to the in-laws.
coffee table flower display
some random flower display
reception flower display
made of honor's hand bouquet
flower girl's basket