Monday, January 31, 2011

It's Supper Time!

have been having late night suppers for the past 2 fridays. on both nights, we had G7 frog lee congee. the first was at bukit timah, and the second was at geylang. it is really so delicious and SPICY. i couldn't stop myself from eating that tender meat and drinking the black sauce despite getting my lips burned from the chillies. two thumbs up. :)
so anyways, headed down to orchard last friday to meet up with yongbin after work. we did some last minute chinese new year shopping till late while waiting for the others to come. finally, we all took a bus and went to geylang. either my first or second time there.
we ordered 4 big pots of frogs and 2 big pots of congee, shared among us 9. the food was really tasty, i feel like having some right now!! definitely need to bring my family to G7, they will love it.
ordered marmite fried chicken, tou fu and osyter omelette as well. thank god me and yongbin skipped our dinner, if not we wouldn't be able to enjoy our supper to the fullest! everything was so good.
we finally have a complete kumaleh group picture, and that's after years. we ate from 11.30pm to 2.30am in the morning. i was so tired by the time we finished eating. struggled my way through all those "after supper talks", before cabbing back with emma. the rest then went to neverland. i admire their energy.

maybe that's because i'm working, hence more rest required. speaking of citi, i'm loving every single day at work. the journey back and fourth is unpleasant, but i do enjoy the rest of my day. everyone in office is so nice, helping me out with work, buying me lunches and treating me to drinks. my colleagues are more like friends to me, i better treasure the remaining 3 weeks. next internship, a different department of citi? :)

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