Sunday, January 16, 2011

Last of 2010

working at Citi has drained me. besides slacking on my bed/sofa watching shows once i'm home, i have no interest in doing anything else on weekdays. weekends have been spent with my secondary school friends and family. i choose to use the remainder as my "me-time". anyways, i'm finally blogging about my stay at marina bay sands on the 30th and 31st of december 2010. i know i'm 16 days late.
due to work, i only reached the hotel at night. went right up to the sky park after viewing our rooms. the view is so beautiful, 100 times better than day, so in love with it. i think we practically spent 1.5 hours up there chit-chatting and taking tons of pictures. oh, i really wanna visit the chocolate bar up there. someone bring me there please...
dear rachel was there with her family as well. thanks to aunty jean, i managed to enter ku de ta to experience the "lifestyle less ordinary". honestly speaking, it is just another hangout place for socialites who ran out of places to go. you get the same view from other parts of the rooftop, besides the dance floor is kinda small and music wasn't good. nevertheless, rachel and i literally soaked in the view and enjoyed the cool breeze from the 57th level for a good half an hour. thereafter, my siblings and i, plus jon, chilled at rachel's room with ryan. :)
walked to centennial tower from mbs early in the morning. how nice if my work place is just a stone throw away from my house. people do morning walks in the park, i did it in the city. my brother and dad went for a swim early in the morning, they said it was freezing cold. thanks to the monthly call, i missed the swim. :(
since it was new year's eve, work was only half a day. my relatives from JB came out after lunch and we spent our afternoon shopping, and slacking in the room. cousins in my room, aunties and uncles in my parents'. check out my new bag from river island, i love it.
what a nice view of a teeny weeny part of the casino.
went for dinner at some chinese restaurant, located opposite raffles hotel. first time there, and the food's really good. we had such a wide spread of dishes, it felt as though i was having a chinese new year reunion dinner. i had the best XO prawns there, and that's my favourite dish of the night. what a good recommendation by papa's banker.
back to the hotel and chilled at the sky park until 10.30pm. reason being, hotel guests weren't allowed up there due to the private function. prices for the tickets are really ridiculous as well, i won't pay for it.
anyways, got ourselves a great view of the fireworks on the helix bridge. this year's fireworks display seems a little shorter than last's. that shouldn't be the case, since there's so much more revenue coming from the casinos right? anyhow, went back to the hotel room and did our popping of champagne after the whole thing ended. my relatives waited 2 hours to collect their car from valet, that's how huge the crowd was.

in regards to the service MBS has provided, i feel that they have improved since my last trip there. given the amount of people there that night, everything's pretty well controlled.

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