Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Paint Me A Rainbow

i'm back from my gold coast trip! the 4 days have been filled with fun, laughter, peace and joy. the first three days were spent at movie world, dreamworld, and wet and wild respectively. the last day was spent shopping & eating at surfer's paradise, and jet-skiing in the afternoon. we took tons and tons of photos that are all up on facebook. :)
more than a month ago, merrie, rachel and i went over to li-shen and charlene's place for a dessert potluck. found the idea very interesting and was so excited for that night to come, since sweets have also been my favourite. everyone contributed a dish or two to the table, and we girls brought chocolate fondue with bananas, strawberries and gummy bears. many others made cheesecake, tiramisu, cinnamon buns, cheese tarts, etc. plenty of good food that night. :)
the theme for that night was bright colours, but i guess no one really dress to it. coincidentally, kenneth and i wore green and it was almost the same shade. coolness.
spent most of our time playing board and card games. we played taboo, table questions, and twister. i enjoyed twister the most though we only played one round. there were 9 people squeezing on that small mat which can only fit maximum 6. oh wells, the more the merrier, despite having to stay put in weird positions with aching legs and arms.

let's have another gathering soon. :)

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