Thursday, September 16, 2010

Ladies in Black

approximately 3 weeks ago, we attended the international commerce student society ball at crown. its our first time attending a school formal since we came to melbourne university, and i think that we should do this more often. its always fun to dress up and snap tons of pictures on the night. bad side is, money flies away in a blink of an eye.
jayesslee were there that night, icss flew them in from sydney just to perform for us. both of them are so sweet and pretty, and their voices are so good. go youtube them! :)
oh, jonny got nominated for best dress. too bad he didn't win, since our screams/shouts weren't loud enough to beat the table next door.
the four of us decided to go all black that night, and i think we all looked good. we were busy snapping pictures in between meals and performances, and all of them are up on facebook. honestly, the food served that night was disappointing. i didn't finish any of my meals. :( i actually expected much better food served since we were at crown.
our clutches, and jonny's extra cast.
dinner ended at 11pm, and we headed to the after party at bass lounge. while queueing for cabs, we saw this awesome huge limousine. the sound system inside was so good, better than clubs i guess. those college students were happily 'dancing' & popping champagnes inside.
this was at bass lounge. huge mistake to go there, the club was so bad. i'm never ever going back to that place unless its some friend's birthday party. the music was horrible, the lighting was like laser lights, the crowd was 3/4 guys and they were all so rowdy. if not for our curiosity and the free champagne that cindy won due during the lucky draw we wouldn't even have gone. we should have just booked a night stay at crown, it would have been much more fun.


  1. Nice masks =) Where did you buy them?

  2. we didn't buy them. it was provided during the ball. :)

  3. I know this is random(and a late comment cause i saw this post a few days ago). YOU LOOK FREAKING PRETTY LADY!!! :D
    HOTT!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA. okay. bye! See you soon! :)

  4. hahaha! thank you girl. :) feel so honoured!
