Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Rock the Cut

met up with rachel immediately after we both finished our driving lessons. had my favourite chicken rice at far east plaza, followed by a hair cut at MAZU, the cathay. i trimmed and dyed my hair. no more long fringe, and i'm loving the new red/brown shade. :) rachel did her long bob. didn't have the courage to cut short, shall wait till i turn 21!
thereafter, merrie joined us at the cathay and we had our b&j's. camwhored (more pictures up on fb) a little before shopping at 313 (awesome buys), followed by home. won't get to see any of them (including cindy) in less than 2 weeks. we're all traveling. rachel and cindy are heading for london, merrie's going to hongkong, and i'm going to taiwan. haha, i think we can't stand the thought of having to stay in sunny island for 1 month without studying or working.
i don't normally do this, but here's a full length mirror shot of me. haha! flight departs at 8.30am tomorrow, and i will be back on saturday night. 5 days intensive shopping & eating. will try to update my blog when i'm in taiwan, if not. SUNDAY. meanwhile, have fun folks. :)

Sunday, June 27, 2010

He Comes Again

caught it today with my father, brother and sister. the movie was good, but people in the theatre was bad. kept having their own mini chats and laughing away. oh well, i did enjoy the movie. some scenes were so fake, but it's a really fun movie. tom cruise and cameron diaz characters were both cute. can't believe that so many movies are already screening or have already finished screening in singapore. australia's way too slow. i want to catch toy story 3 soon! thereafter, mummy joined us and we had lunch at DOME. followed by shopping with mummy while the rest went home. we were looking for gifts to bring with us to taiwan. how i wish i was the receiver. braun buffel's wallet, tiffany & co.'s charm braclet, etc.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Our Favourite Solider

after four months, i finally met up with the girls. thanks to xiaohan we were really late. anyways, strolled around orchard and i didn't get anything at all. wanted to shop real bad, but just lost the mood when i reached there. partly, i also refrained myself from shopping as i will be going to taiwan this tuesday with my mum and dad. papa will be playing golf with his friends, while mummy and i will just swipe his credit cards. sounds real good. :) anyways, after a long discussion, we settled for crystal jade korean barbecue for dinner.
yongbin was being his usual nice self. he was busy helping us with our crabs as we didn't want to get our hands dirty. needless to say, he was the best soldier. the four of us were happy being civilians. :) he shared with us some of his army stories, and i really pity how he's being treated inside the camp. would love to attend his POP, but sadly i can't make it.
order a set meal for four people when we had five. still, there was so much leftover. the 35 bucks each was really worth the money. had ginseng soup, crab, beef, pork, chicken & fish. initially, everyone (except me) was complaining that there were so little dishes. ended up, we were all walking away with a really full stomach.
gave cheryl a surprise, as her actual birthday was yesterday. she made things easier for us by going to the washroom after we finished our dinner. thereafter, we did some window shopping at ion and it was home sweet home. 2 car accidents on PIE which caused our bus to crawl home. didn't mind that at all, as i had a really good chat with cixian and xiaohan. missed them so much.
see you girls next week!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Family's Love

i'm home. mummy and daddy came to pick me up from the airport at 6am in the morning. was so happy to see them and to see the smiles on their faces. the flight back wasn't good. didn't get enough sleep as the seats were really uncomfortable. frankly speaking, i don't see what's so good about singapore airlines. love the new and bigger screen, but the smaller seats really spoil it all. anyways, i bought masterchef magazine for aunty jean, hoping to try re-create some of their delicious desserts. finally got my new uggs too, it was almost 100 bucks off. :)

caught up on sleep when i reached home. booked my driving lesson at 2pm, but i mistook it for 4pm, hence i missed it. was really looking forward to driving, no one else to blame but my careless self. anyways, first and last auto car lesson tomorrow, hope it goes well.

just came back from a movie premier- Gone Shopping, at NUS alumni building. my parents were invited by their friends for the event, and mummy kindly asked for another ticket for me! :) there was a buffet dinner and a cocktail session before the movie screening started. i realise i seem to really enjoy socialising around with people. oh, and i finally wore my tony biancos! really high, yet comfortable. anyways, back to topic. Gone Shopping is a local movie production that will be out in the cinemas on the 26th of july. the director/producer of the movie is my dad's friend's daughter. hence, the invitations. the movie was really meaningful, i found that the message she was trying to provoke was rather strong. the downside of the movie was that it was really slow and quite draggy. but overall, it was a decent local movie. for more information, click here.

after the function, parents and i went to sunset way's (my old house) buttercake&cream. my folks had their waffles, while i had my chocolate pudding. food was just alright, tasted better ones elsewhere, and will not go back again. haha! picked my youngest sister up from her school's dance concert, and it was home sweet home. :)

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Put This Semester Behind

take me home, to a place, where i belong.

this is taking longer than what i expected. it's been 3 months. i'm not surprised with the fact that i'm still not over it, but what's shocking me is the fact that my feelings haven't changed a single bit. tell me how to forget someone? this is really bad, bad.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Breakfast at Laurent

rachel and i forced ourselves out of bed despite the real cold and foggy weather. changed our breaky plans from APTE to Laurent as we were inspired by those pastries shown on masterchef last night. sadly, we both forgot to bring our cameras. luckily, we had our bb-s! we're now studying at frank tate, love the decor. it's so stylish and modern. batsu game is really so funny! we just started on the hot spring edition. :)

Sunday, June 20, 2010


HAPPY FATHERS' DAY. i love my papa so much. he's the best dad ever!
today's breakfast plans with rachel at APTE cafe failed. we couldn't wake up as we only slept at 2am last night due to batsu game- haunted house! plus, the weather was so cloudy, foggy and rainy. that's winter for you. but we're moving our plans to tomorrow, and we're hoping that it'll be sunny. :) we need to so stuff to spice up our remaining studying days while our good friends are all back in singapore. planning to cook bkt on tuesday night, and play some clue-do/uno with rachel and my best study help ever- M.

really can't wait to fly back. i'm already feeling excited though my flight is only on thursday. so many things to do this holiday! SO MANY. :)

Saturday, June 19, 2010

US 20k/night

the movie makes me want to go to abu dhabi. SATC 2 was really good. i have never watched the drama serials, but i really enjoyed the movie. SATC 1 was my only introduction to the show, made myself watch it on thursday night. rachel, merrie and i had a good korean meal yesterday and we're happy with our supre buys too!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Seven Colours

business finance was okay. sigh, unlike last year i haven't really felt very confident about the past 3 papers this semester. i guess those subjects are labelled as level 2 for a reason. so what's going to be like for year 3? i'm blogging at 2am in the morning now as i don't have to wake up at 9am and start studying. 3 papers down and i'm taking a 2 days break before starting on ICT. really quite shitty that because of that one paper i have to go back on the 24th! jonny's leaving tomorrow/today, cindy's leaving on friday, and merrie's leaving on saturday. leaving me and rachel all alone. on the bright/dark side, i have more days to study for the last paper!

hanged out with rachel and jonny after the paper. have not seen him for at least 2 weeks due to exams. we checked out albert house to see if it's better than palmerston, cause my brother's coming up to melbourne to study next year! :) very excited about that actually. thereafter, our night was spent on lygon. bought tons of chocolates and candies from original lolly store to bring them back to singapore, bought groceries from safeway, had dinner at tiamo and chocolate churros at san churros. jonny also showed us some damn funny japanese videos, we watched them till like 12 midnight. what a fun and relaxing night. :)

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Spain, FTW!

Cesc Fabregas and David Villa is enough to make me support Spain. what more with Iker Casillas and Fernando Torres. i'm not a soccer fan, but i do catch a few games of EPL with my brother and dad. only manchester, when ronaldo was still there. funny how so many girls actually get hooked onto world cup when they never watch soccer matches. i know the reason why. other cute guys outside Spain? Michael Ballack, David Beckham, Steven Gerrard, Michael Bradley, Kaka, Cristiano Ronaldo.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Pasta Time!

i just had my cost management paper today. well, it didn't go exactly my way. the paper was alright, but i think it's quite tough to get a H1 or even a H2A grade. unless they do the bell curve thing. my paper was so long, thickest paper i ever had. managed to finish it in exactly 3 hours. oh wells, i shall just hope for the best. good thing is, OB and CM is done and over! just left with business finance and shaping the enterprise with ICT. despite having 6-8 days to study for each, i'm not going to slack except for today. i'm gonna ace them!

have been finally using my macbook and surfing the net. was so bored that i decided to heed rachel's "advice" to sign up for formspring. practically doing it cause i'm so bored, that i cannot think of anymore sites to visit. so... ask me anything. okay, not literally anything. would only answer appropriate questions. so it's for you and me to decide what's appropriate and what's not!