Monday, November 22, 2010

After Graduation?

this is the new Mercedes-Benz SLS-AMG, used as the formula 1 safety car on the tracks. equally as expensive as a ferrari and looks so sexy close up. apparently you are not able to test drive this car, unless special circumstances. we saw a guy driving a brand new grey one out of Mercedes-Benz showroom. damn, one more on the road!

reason for being at the Mercedes-Benz showroom today was because mummy wants to check out the car she's been eyeing. test drive it, and we all agreed she should get it. it's just so her! by the way, the car's only 5 seater, while my family is 6. thank god for us studying overseas, haha! now the colour. i suggested dark red, near maroon, but she said she likes white. oh wells, whatever she please, since she's the owner and not me. BUT, i get to drive it! :)

oh, my brother and i were like pestering my mum to get the BMW 320i, but she refused since its only 4 seater despite her liking it so much. oh, the stuff that my mum sacrifices for her 4 children.

before that, we were at the BMW showroom. first time looking at papa's new 5 series grand turismo. he said he wanted to change his 7 series because its too long, but the new 5 series is only 6 inches shorter, what difference does it make man? plus, that car is huge!! kailin said that it's filled with male testosterones.

i cannot believe that his new car is more expensive that the BMW Z4. damn, my dad should have totally got the Z4 lah, that's my favourite car in the whole BMW and Mercedes-Benz showroom man. it's so hot and sexy. ahhhh!! he said he wouldn't get it cause its 2 doors with only 2 and not 4 seats. probably when we're older when we all have cars?
mummy said something like this, "i get my car first, then when you graduate we'll get another one. but don't expect a sports car, you'll get those cute cute ones lah." i went like, "mini cooper? volkswagen?" she said, "yeah, those ones". let's hope she sticks to it. :)

earlier this morning, we went in to JB for my late grandma's death anniversary. nice to be back to see all my relatives. we had tons of food man, so many different types of kuehs and paos. went for lunch at this chinese restaurant and the food was fantastic! i need to go into JB on a non-monday, i wanna have their BKT, i miss them! i also wanna try their roti papa. gosh! need a food trip into JB soon man. wernie, when will you be free? our aunt is waiting to bring us food hunting.


  1. hey..thank you for sharing ur journal tho..heheh...and u look cute..
