Thursday, June 17, 2010

Seven Colours

business finance was okay. sigh, unlike last year i haven't really felt very confident about the past 3 papers this semester. i guess those subjects are labelled as level 2 for a reason. so what's going to be like for year 3? i'm blogging at 2am in the morning now as i don't have to wake up at 9am and start studying. 3 papers down and i'm taking a 2 days break before starting on ICT. really quite shitty that because of that one paper i have to go back on the 24th! jonny's leaving tomorrow/today, cindy's leaving on friday, and merrie's leaving on saturday. leaving me and rachel all alone. on the bright/dark side, i have more days to study for the last paper!

hanged out with rachel and jonny after the paper. have not seen him for at least 2 weeks due to exams. we checked out albert house to see if it's better than palmerston, cause my brother's coming up to melbourne to study next year! :) very excited about that actually. thereafter, our night was spent on lygon. bought tons of chocolates and candies from original lolly store to bring them back to singapore, bought groceries from safeway, had dinner at tiamo and chocolate churros at san churros. jonny also showed us some damn funny japanese videos, we watched them till like 12 midnight. what a fun and relaxing night. :)

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