Saturday, May 29, 2010


i have always love europe since i was a kid, age 10. it's been 9 years since i have last been there, and i have always been wanting to go back! but somehow, my family have been traveling to the states after europe's trip. i'm not complaining though, i like US too.

since i'll be graduating at 20, and i don't really like the idea of doing honors in melbourne or entering the workforce at 21 (unless a very good job offer awaits me), i have decided to study in europe. last night, mummy called and told her of my plans. she was very supportive and said i can do whatever i want. :) she asked why europe and not the states, and i said, cause i want to tour europe!

shall find out more about study opportunities in probably london or paris this july, i really really want to study there. can't imagine how much more i'll love europe especially when i'm there at 21. :)

okay, this post was just a mini break for me. need to get back to studying. exams are in less than 2 weeks. there's so much studying to do. especially, cost management. no wait, everything!

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