Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Weddings on Weekends

this is an auspicious weekend, every couple is rushing off to get married before the year of tiger. 2 of my relatives got married, so i was relatively busy on both saturday and sunday. never really enjoyed attending weddings, due to the long wait of the same old usual type of food. somehow this time round, i was really excited so go witness the marriage of both couples. :)

Nicholas & Evelyn
Solemnisation on Saturday 23rd of January
was supposed to join the rest of my relatives to go for the fetch the bride cum tea ceremony early in the morning. but because, boyfriend was here in singapore, i decided that i should spent time with him. thanks to mummy's presence that i managed to get photos of the bridal ferrari as well as the bridal buggy.

ferrari belongs to the groom's family, it is not rented. have seen it many times before, but somehow the flowers makes it look extra special! by the way, do you know that you need a special license to drive it!

look how cute the bridal buggy is! apparently, the bride just stays less than 200 meters away from the groom's, so the groom fetched the bride using a buggy, while all the best men walked behind. i love how the car plate is done up.

lucky couple, how often do you get to sit in a bridal ferrari and buggy! :)
later i met up with my relatives at swissotel- equinox for the solemnisation cum buffet lunch. took the lift up to the 69th level and i was served with cocktails in the waiting room until the bride was about to do the wedding march.
not many tables for this one, as it was mainly the close relatives and friends. totally love their door gift. it's a bath puppet, serves as a soap (that you can change) as well as a sponge. adore the little bag. would definitely use it for toiletries when traveling, the hanger makes it practical.
finally the bride made her appearance in a long white gown. though it's not vera wang's, but i love it. their wedding album photos are so gorgeous, they specially went to perth to have their photo shoot done (since they met there). love all the gowns she wore. so nice!!!
the justice of peace was so funny, she made everyone laughed the whole way through. nicholas and evelyn made their own vows too, very touching!
finally lunch were served. appetizers were japanese, main course were chinese and desserts were western. i have to say that it's the best wedding buffet lunch i have ever eaten. like duh, it's equinox!
i'm loving my fetish for raw japanese-style fish.
wei wei, the cute and handsome page boy for the afternoon.
evelyn changed her dress halfway through lunch. love this one even more! very simple and elegant. especially the accessories she wore, i bet you it's pure pink diamonds.

Wedding Dinner on Sunday 24th of January
rushed back from wedding lunch in malaysia (right below), rested awhile before i started preparing for ritz carlton. i have to say that it was the most grand and best wedding dinner i've ever attended.
was served with cocktails before we proceeded into the ballroom. when we reached, papa and mummy immediately disappeared from our sight and went greeting their friends. took me quite awhile before i could gather the whole family for a picture.
technology nowadays is so advance and cool. there were so many photographers that night who kept snapping photos of us (and of course everyone else), and immediately we could see our pictures being displayed on the large screen in the ballroom. also, they printed out wallet sized photos and gave each of us one.
the ballroom was huge, there were 100 tables in total that night. couldn't believe it when papa told me that. the decor was pretty too, it was similar to fann wong's wedding, just that the trees were white instead.
see how the table was arranged. so cute right? that was the guy's, girls were much simpler.
the food was very good that night, all the expensive dishes. the menu was long, so was the wait. honestly, i was quite pissed off with the slow service, but what's there to do, weddings are all like that. the whole dinner only ended at 11.30pm, when it started punctually at 8pm. to make things worst, i got a bad migraine that night. sigh man, luckily i had my relatives as well as the photos on the screen to entertain me throughout the night.
see the little princess, alexandra, in the long pretty gown. she looked so sweet that night.

Chris & Crystal
Wedding Lunch on Sunday 24th of January
woke up early in the morning to drive into JB. rested at my aunt's house first before heading off for lunch at some restaurant. this was the couple's second wedding lunch/dinner, the first was in singapore. i missed it due to my grandma's birthday celebration.
my (not technically) cute wei wei! it was supposed to be a twist, i guess i snapped too fast. :)
it was a very simple and common lunch, but i had fun. :) love the videos that the bride made, the sound effects made it so funny. also one of the most creative acts i ever come across, i think there were like 5-6 in total. there was this act called kiss the celling. the groom had to wear lipstick, while his friends had to carry/lift him up to fill the heart-shaped paper (that was stuck on the celling) with kisses. cute!

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