Tuesday, January 26, 2010


before meeting up with the aussie peeps, i accompanied my brother for shopping at far east plaza and ion. i got myself a white blouse and a mac pencil eyeliner. very happy, but that means spending more money. my mum is really the best, she gave me 200 bucks before i left the house. i just wanted 100, but she insisted on giving all. i feel so fortunate to have such nice parents. despite receiving money so easily, it does not mean that i do not appreciate the value of money and how it's spent.
well, finally the four of us met up and we caught the blind side. it's a very noble and heart-warming movie. i enjoyed the show very much, and so did my friends. :) really admire the family for being so gracious and welcoming.
we decided to have dinner at nydc, because it has both proper meals and desserts. so did Big O, but we figured out that nydc's better. a good change too, if not i'll probably be munching on my spike d again. :) we spent two hours chatting, miss those days when we get to see each other everyday. anyways, in a blink of an eye, we'll all be back in melbourne in exactly one month's time. after that the girls did a little shopping while i rushed back home for something i didn't like.
i can't remember the name of it already, but it's one of their top selling cheesecakes. just look at the texture of the chocolate mouse as well as the cheese, so good! (but i still prefer spike d)

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