Monday, January 11, 2010

I'm Very Happy

my boyfriend's trip to singapore has been confirmed. though it's only 4 days, but i'm satisfied. it's next week, gonna see him real soon! :)

had my second driving lesson yesterday and my third today. i must say that i've improved a lot, because i managed to get a good instructor (same for both days), mr kk tan. was supposed to get on the main road yesterday, but i didn't know that i've to apply for PDL. so today, i went 30 minutes earlier to apply for it, but they only accept NETS or cash cash, which i don't have! i was panicking, cause i didn't want to be stuck in that circuit again, it would be a wasted lesson. jieying wanted to rush down to help me pay, but it was too late. thank goodness for my nice and helpful instructor. he actually offered to lend and pay the 25 bucks for me to get the PDL! :)
very belated christmas presents that i got for merrie, cindy and rachel. so cute right? :) it's been so long since we last met, and yesterday was a short meet up without cindy. spent the afternoon teaching bryan chew accounting at TCC, luckily i managed to answer all of his questions, if not it would be a wasted trip for him to travel all the way down to plaza singapura. thereafter, went for some mini shopping with the girls, and i bought a very sweet dress!
and i got stalked by this guy yesterday. all the way from outram park mrt station to TCC at plaza singapura. it was quite scary, he stood beside me throughout the train ride, and purposely slowed down his speed to walk behind me until he saw me sitting down in TCC with bryan chew. i wonder how long was he going to follow me, if i wasn't meeting anyone. quite amazed that someone would actually stalk me. by the way, he's cute! i should have totally turn around and smile at him. haha, joking! :)

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