Thursday, January 14, 2010

So Hard To Help

had driving this morning again, it was even better than previous. :)

went straight to town with cindy phua for some serious shopping spree. at least, i was totally prepared to shop and spend (took the money out). but, nothing really caught my eye, besides a flower pin. i'm so disappointed! well, i saw one pair of beige sandals that i really love, new stock coming in on the 25th, so i shall just wait! in other words, failed shopping trip. we saw yongbin and he joined us for awhile at f21.

we had pepper lunch for lunch! it's my second time having it, and i personally think it's so-so only. we can totally do it ourselves at home, it's easy. except for the awesome brown sauce! :)
parents came back from india today, house is no more that empty anymore. they were telling us how bad poverty is in india over dinner. papa wasn't feeling well due to the dust and dirt over there. they practically wore masks everywhere they went. according to them, there were no toilets, everyone just did their small/big business anywhere they want. mummy was describing the different scenes that she witnessed. she said that most children were all crippled, and had to crawl on their chests using their hands to pull their weight (due to the heartless syndicates). whenever they gave them money or food, the syndicates will take it away from them immediately. i've heard plenty of stories like this, but the fact that it's coming from my mother made a greater impact on me. she cried while telling us those stories, and it made me cry too.

i've always said that i want to go visit a poor country, to see what life/poverty actually is. but i never had enough courage to actually make an effort to fly there. it's definitely something that i would want to do in my life, i just don't know when.

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