Friday, July 15, 2011

Ain't the Last Goodbye

aunty jean has been back in the Phillippines for nearing 2 weeks already. she has been with my family since i was seven years old. 13 years, that's how fast time flies. finally, she has decided to return home and embark on a new chapter in her life. hearing all the business plans that she has really makes me happy and excited for her. i'm sure she'll succeed in whatever she does, as she's a very clever lady!
we had a farewell lunch for her two sundays ago at osia in resorts world. the food was good, especially the bread, bluefin tuna tataki, and the hot chocolate soup! we invited aunty rose, our previous helper who was with us for 10 years since i was born, as well as our current helper, aunty lyn who's a relative of aunty jean.
us and our second "mothers", we four share a really close bond with them. to them, we are like their babies, since they watched us grow from toddlers to adults. i don't know if its luck, or fate, or both, but i find it really amazing how we can get along so well to two random women from another part of asia. i really appreciate all the things they've done for me, the sacrifices they've made in order to take good care of us. i will always remain grateful to them.
amongst us all, mummy's the one who's most affected by jean leaving. she couldn't stop crying throughout the entire day on jean's departure, despite knowing that she'll definitely return to singapore to visit us.

as much as we all hate saying goodbyes to the ones we love, remember that not all goodbyes are the last.

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