Saturday, July 16, 2011

Little Too Late

us in gold coast during the september holidays last year. have no clue why did i delay blogging about this trip for almost a year. guess i was too caught up with the little happenings in life. anyways, we visited movie world, dreamworld, wet and wild, and did some city shopping and eating. oh, not forgetting the jet boat ride that we took on our last day in gold coast, which left us with soaking wet hair.

i'm an adrenaline junkie.

and i find it quite sad that hardly any rides we took gave me the adrenaline rush. i think its due to the countless rides i've taken in the 2 disney lands, 1 disney world, and 3 universal studios that i've been to since young. i want to feel that rush again, i love it! guess i'd have to head to bigger theme parks in the states - six flags, etc. or try out sky diving (waiting for that opportunity), or bungee (that, i'm afraid of).

this will probably be my last year in melbourne, ignoring the possibility of me doing honours. during year 1's september break, i went to sydney with rachel and her mum, and last year's september break was spent in gold coast with the girls. i hope the cairns trip we've been talking about will come true this september. the great barrier reef, oh i can't wait!

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