Sunday, April 3, 2011


how cool is that! a tram stop cum a cafe. have always been wanting to eat at MART since the first time i passed by that TRAM stop on the way to st kilda beach. finally went there for brunch with my people on one of those weekends where they were just occupied with fun.
we waited approximately 30 minutes for a table. it was packed! didn't know that it was that popular. but we had fun! snapping pictures and making a joke out of poor ah seng.
enjoyed the food, but it wasn't great. i won't specially take the time out to travel all the way there again, since the menu doesn't change at all. i love the view from where we were sitting, all i see is greenery.
how i wished i could be sitting in a place like that anytime soon. sipping on a cup of hot chocolate and surfing the net on my macbook. simple pleasures like that mean so much when you're busy meeting deadlines. thanks to daylight savings, an extra hour of sleep. night!

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