Sunday, December 19, 2010

Ships Ahoy!

two sundays ago, rachel had her 19th birthday celebration on a yacht. we all gathered at marina at keppel bay at 4 since that was the place and time the yacht will depart from. it was my first time there, and the place is beautiful. the whole atmosphere is better than RYSC, but smaller. i wanna go back and eat at prive, looks like a really cool eatery.
the whole ride was from 4 to 9 pm. while on the yacht, i spent most of the time lying down on the trampoline, enjoying the sun during the day and the cool breeze at night.
we went to two islands. first stop was for us to swim, but none of us wanted to except for jon. so he went swimming, while we played mono deal and just more basking under the sun. thank god for loads of sun block, i didn't get a tan from that day at all! :)second stop was just some mini island where developers carry out auctions and sale of land near sentosa. had a short break there, where we explored that deserted island, took more pictures, had dinner and sang the birthday song.
by dusk, we set sail from that island to sentosa's siloso beach. we danced to the music blasting from jon's macbook while waiting for the fireworks display in the song of the sea show at 8. got back to marina at keppel bay by 9, and then it was home sweet home.

enjoyed myself so much that day. thanks rachel for inviting and being such a great friend for the past three years. happy belated birthday once again, and you'll definitely be missed while you head over to melbourne for summer. one less friend for random meet-ups in orchard. :(

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