Saturday, December 4, 2010

A Belated Birthday

celebrated jonny's belated birthday 2 fridays ago at pamplemousse. his mom treated the whole table to a wonderful 4 course dinner. we sat there for a whole 3 hours- eating and chatting, it was enjoyable. i love the restaurant's interior decor, especially their high ceilings and the chandeliers. do check out their website.


Citrus marinated Salmon | Pamplemousse confit | Saikyo miso aioli | Crouton

Beef “Bourguignon”

36 hour Braised short rib | Red wine | Bacon, mushrooms & pearl onions | Kecap manis Mashed potatoes | Guinness froth

“Toast & Milo”

Brioche | Dulce de leche | Milo ice cream | Caramelized bananas | Nutella soil

the pictures and captions are insufficient in describing how good the food was. i finished everything, except for a small little slice of beef since it came in a really huge portion. we forgot to take a picture of the second course, which was, Porcini Mushroom Cream Soup - Escargots, Cordyceps, and Croutons. that was the dish which caused me to lose my voice over dinner, and to have red teary eyes later into the night. i should have chosen the onion soup instead.

my favourite dish was the salmon. the fish was so fresh and the sauces matched perfectly with it! i was savouring every single piece of it. the beef was really soft and tender too, since it has been braised for 36 hours! the best part of the dessert was the milo ice cream. i love it, they should sell their milo ice cream in tubs. i would have bought a big one!
2 flaming lambos, one for the birthday boy and one for his best friend, joshua. i think i'll never ever try one in my entire lifetime. no way man!
thereafter, we took a maxi cab to butter factory. finally man, i've waited like forever to club at butter factory. thanks to jon, we all had vip entry and tables. i wanted to stay there for a short while then head back home due to my throat and eyes. but that night was way too fun, i had to stay.
my kumaleh peeps were there to join us too. i owe them an apology for making them wait for us for so long just to bring them in, sorry!
the birthday boy - GONE. barely even 1 hour in the club.
glad that my friends could all get along. more clubbing sessions like this to come please (except for the allergy)! i wanna go zouk this wednesday, anyone? :) that's by far the most suitable day to club since i'll be starting work right after my japan trip.

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