Saturday, October 2, 2010

zomg party

so 2 friday nights ago, i went clubbing with the girls at seven again. it was like any usual clubbing session, nothing special or fantastic. i think i'm really allergic to liquor. i always have minor rashes on my back even after drinking breezers, and same goes for that night after taking a jagerbomb. but thank god, it's very minor and not itchy.
the music that night was really good though. good songs just kept coming, never stop. my feet were aching like mad but just didn't want to sit down. free zomg party cd-s were given out too!
bryan chew was there clubbing with his friends too. he was a joke. he drank so much and he was so drunk. never seen him behave like that before. super high, crazy and funny man. but the weird thing was, when he was back home at our place, he acted as if he was normal?
anyways, since school's starting on monday i guess it'll be next year that we'll visit alumbra. no more clubbing in melbourne in 2010, bye bye! okay, not that i'm desperate or love to club. but i really need to go check out zouk like soon.


  1. Hahahhahahaha whenever i think of clubbing that night, i think of the taxi ride home and that malaysian girl!!!!!!! :P

  2. haha! yes i know right. super irritating at that moment!!! but funny after that.
