Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Loft on Lonsdale

oh, i'm having so much fun! :) just got back from my ski trip last sunday night and it was such a blast. maximum fun we had during the 3 days and 2 nights and we really wouldn't mind doing some hardcore skiing for a week. HOKKAIDO, here i come in december! i cannot wait. :)

lots of events have happened and going to happen this august. fun-filled august, i like. photos are pilling up, and i have yet to find time to edit and upload them onto facebook and blogger. anyhow, here are some photos 2 weeks back when i went clubbing the 2nd time in a row, on a saturday white night at the loft.
the rachel-s were so nice to let me and merrie join them (made new friends). we had japanese dinner along swanston before walking in the cold to the club. merrie, rachel and i all thought that it was a bar, that's why we agreed. from then on, no more consecutive clubbing sessions. rachel and i got into a small flu and cough due to the late nights and the lack of rest. weak, our bodies are not suited to that kinda lifestyle.
it was our first time clubbing on a white night and in a white club. the music was really good, and the crowd is better than singapore's and probably seven's and eve's. no touching nonsense shit. just pure dancing, and yeah making out couples.
oh yeah, i did it. i managed to drink a shot all at once! but couldn't do the second though. i love the last photo of this post. so candid and funny, credits to the bartender. can tell that all of us ain't good drinkers (probably only rachel, haha)!
bet you won't see anymore clubbing posts anytime soon. back to work! :)


  1. HIIII :) Got to your blog from rach's blog! ahh love that bruno mars song :) :) :) hehehe anyway hopefully see you sometime soon! else ICSS ball in like a couple of weeks!!! :) hope uni's going well! xx

  2. hello there! yes, icss ball is coming very soon. can't wait! :) SEE YOU!
