Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Genes

this is my youngest cousin in my family, qiying. went with my mum to visit her last friday just before i leave singapore for another 4 months. when she was a toddler, she looked exactly like my youngest sister when my sister was around that age too. now that she's older, i can slowly see that she's starting to look like me. it's really quite scary, especially those eyes. yes, those single eyelids. :( i didn't know that cousins could actually look that alike. aren't the genes quite far?

anyways, mummy allowed me to drive to their house at alexandra road. frankly speaking, it was quite a distance and i was a little scared due to the heavy traffic on farrer road, but i did fine. just the reversing and parking, i'm not very good at it yet. actually, i took quite some time to reverse out of my house! haha, it was super funny, aunty jean was laughing so badly. what we learnt in school was just meant for the test, not for outside application. :(

its funny how my brothers and sisters kept sending me sms-es to pick them up from tuition and school. did help my mum to reduce her workload (by not stepping on the accelerator), but she still had to sit beside me as she felt that i needed an observation period. being a nice sister, i went to pick my sister up from rjc. i drove to the airport that night too, it was a full 30 minute drive on the highway man. just got off the phone with papa, and he told me that mummy said that my driving is very good. he sounded very excited, i think he can't wait to sit my car! he's so cute lah. wait another 4 months...

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