Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Rest In Peace

my grandma passed away last friday morning. her funeral has been held for 5 days, and she was cremated today. i really wish i could be there to see her for the last time. mummy did ask me to go back but i had a lot of assignments to do. i wanted to complete everything during the weekend, and go back on monday, but my parents said no point in coming back for 2 days only. mummy asked me not to worry, said that grandma will understand and that she will pray on my behalf.

her death to us wasn’t sudden. her health has been deteriorating since chinese new year. it was so bad that she had to be hospitalized on the day i left for melbourne. during her stay there they discovered that her lungs were infected. tubes were inserted in her body, from the nose and the mouth. i wasn’t there to see, but mummy said that she was really pitiful. she was in ICU for almost 10 days, and passed away at 4.18 am.

the strange thing was how i got to know about her death. i don’t know why, but i woke up exceptionally early on friday without any alarm clock. i could see the red light flashing on my BB. didn't bother looking as i knew its some random tweets. but i kept looking at my phone as i had this strange feeling that maybe something happened to grandma. all of a sudden my phone rang but i accidentally pressed the disconnect button. i looked through all my messages, but none was regarding grandma, so i told myself to go back to sleep. but, i couldn’t and didn’t felt at ease. so i sms-ed my mum, and she immediately replied “grandma just passed away 4.18am, i can’t get to you, maybe pa called.”

i have been calling back the past few days, just to check if things in JB are going well. mummy told me that grandma’s funeral was very grand. much bigger than my grandpa’s one, which was 9 years back. mummy said that there were 100 over flowers sent, 2 banners of my grandma and her family, and on their way to the cemetery, policemen were clearing the roads just for them. reason being, my first uncle is the president of the chinese association for JB.

glad that she had a nice and grand sent off.
my only regret is not giving her a kiss.

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