Wednesday, March 17, 2010

3D Ray-Bans!

went out with the usual clique on a friday night. it was planned way in advance that we'll have dinner at chogao followed by alice in wonderland movie in 3D. plan was carried out successfully!
chogao was so packed compared to the last time charlene, merrie and i went. so packed with people drinking, everyone was so busy. despite the crowded atmosphere, we four had fun. the food was still as awesome, and this time we tried two of their desserts- fried bananas & chocolate, peanut, banana asian pancake. shit, this is making me so hungry. luckily, cindy and merrie are on the way back from city with my food.
made our way to the movie theatre. we were there early, so we started picture spamming (more are up on facebook). everyone was looking, cause it was just us snapping away. can't blame us you know, the 3D glasses are so cool. we had to pay a buck for each, since the movie people felt that it is more hygienic that way, but it's worth it.
yeah, the picture spamming did not stop despite entering the theatre. we were bored, and it was so much fun. yes, we definitely irritated the asian couple sitting behind us. hahahahaha!
well, alice in wonderland was so-so for me. finally got to know the exact storyline, never knew why i didn't have the book when i was a kid. the queen of hearts is damn funny, apparently she also acted in harry potter, looked so different. the costume and make-up were good. didn't like the main actress though, not pretty at all!

have been studying damn hardcore-ly the past few days, despite being very sick. finally got both assignments done, and i'll aim to finish lectures & tutorials by friday. weekends will be no work for me at all. saturday going shopping at doncaster with the girls and sunday, no plans yet. oh, and i need to find a physiotherapist! :(

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