Tuesday, December 20, 2011


some time back, adrienne, kenneth and i went for dinner at komeyui, which is located at port melbourne. being a big fan of japanese food, i gladly accepted adrienne's invite without any hesitation. what are the odds of me not enjoying japanese food, especially when the restaurant is recommend by a top food blogger in melbourne.
food was delicious!!! i could have just kept eating. i particularly loved their appetiser, wagyu tataki, duck slices, sashimi and black sesame & green tea ice cream. i didn't fancy the wrapped salmon and sake brulee though. one was too salty, and the other was rather watery.
regardless, i enjoyed myself that night. can't wait for adrienne to come down to singapore or for me to go up to KL for our makan food trail. still in the midst of planning... i've been so busy recently!! especially when i'm back for good, my to-do-list just seems to keep lengthening. hope i can get settled down as soon as possible.

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