Tuesday, November 29, 2011


so i spent my afternoon yesterday with my brother and my aunt jenny who lives here in kew. it was nice traveling out to the suburbs and experiencing the daily lifestyle of the locals for just a few hours. i would definitely grab hold of the opportunity to live in a nice house in the suburbs if it ever presents itself. melbourne is such a lovely place (excluding the crazy weather)!
it was forecasted to rain, thankfully it didn't. so we stuck to the original plan. in fact, weather was brilliant! :) we had our bbq in a nature reserve park in kew along the yarra river. really nice to be out in the green once in awhile, to escape the hustle and bustle of melbourne city.
aussie summer salad with japanese dressing, fresh salmon slices, buttered mushrooms, vegetables pancake, and beef balls. simple yet absolutely filling and delicious. :)
thereafter, we went to her house for afternoon tea. we had little cupcakes that i bought for her and vanilla ice cream with gula melaka sago. yummy, reminded me of my chinese new year kampung days when i was still a kid. i love her housing estate! all the houses have similar contemporary minimalistic designs. it is not small yet not big, just the right size for a family of four.
bought plenty of boxes and big bags... time to pack and shift out of my apartment. arrgghh, i really hate packing and moving. :(

Sunday, November 27, 2011


adrienne invited me to join her and li-shen for brunch at the st kilda galleon. i've known them since trinity college, and today was actually my longest time spent with them. it is so sad how my four years in melbourne is finally coming to an end. we have just started to form closer bonds with more people, and now, we have to part. what are the odds of seeing them again? especially my non-singaporean friends.
we had to wait for approximately 20 minutes, the place was packed!! it was worthwhile as our food and drinks were delicious. a really good recommendation by adrienne! check out adrienne's food blog here, she's currently ranked #2 on urbanspoon in melbourne. :) can't wait for her to go back to KL and do more food reviews there!
another thing i'll miss about melbourne is their sunday markets. every stall sells really unique items. plus point is, they are mostly handmade. i bought a really pretty fresh water pearl bracelet for 15 aussie, i love it. should have bought more as gifts for friends...
thank god for such a great weather, it was sunny yet cooling. we spent the rest of the afternoon chilling by the beach. chit-chatting, taking pictures, people watching, and eating frozen yoghurt. time flew by unknowingly. i had great fun though it was such a simple day out!
stay tuned, more fun to come. i love melbourne. :)

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Party With Tea

where do i ever begin? i have been away from this site for almost 2 months, and countless of things have happened in many aspects of my life. family, love life, friendship, studies, etc. will try my best to post as many pictures up since i'm having ultimate freedom for quite a bit of time. yes, i've finished my 3 years of university education (hopefully)!

why this picture of hotel windsor?
just two days ago (i know, i skipped tons of events), rachel held a mini birthday party at hotel windsor for high tea. this girl has finally turned 20, and look how tai-tai-ish she looks! rachel tjong, i love you. :)
i have always enjoyed high tea. sipping on tea and munching on sandwiches, scones and little sweet things, is the best combination for a ladies get-together. the round table we had was a little too big though.
$60 per person. i found it a little expensive though we couldn't finish all the food. the scones at the tearooms located in national gallery of victoria is better than windsor's. however, i really enjoyed their flora teas, very fragrant! also, their little cakes and macarons were delicious.
what's a birthday occasion without pictures!! i like how the three of us wore similar shade dresses with black heels coincidentally.
that's not all, we all love polaroids! we just kept snapping away.
the seven of us who were there to celebrate rachel's birthday. dress code was - colourful sundresses. i think we definitely lived up to the theme.
i am in love with these photos. looks like a sportsgirl advertisement?