Thursday, October 20, 2011

Manchester Press

i have been delaying my wednesday brunch trip with ben to manchester press for the longest time. all my fault for not being able to wake up early!! anyhow, i couldn't postpone it any further, as next week's the last week of school and thereafter, swot vac. we went there yesterday!

it didn't feel that long ago when i first set foot in melbourne. 4 years just whisked by me, and i'll be graduating in less than 2 months. this is really the last and final lap of the race that i've been running for years. i'm going to try my best and finish it off on a high note!
BLT bagel - bacon, lettuce and tomato. not really a big fan of those 3 ingredients, hence i didn't fancy it. but i'm sure i heard kenneth saying, "this is damn good, nom nom nom nom nom!" for at least 5 times!
salmon bagel - they were so generous with the smoked salmon and cream. definitely worth the money. too jelat, ben and ting shared it.
PB&J bagel - peanut butter and jelly, with bananas, nuts and candy bits. I LOVE THIS. i cannot fault anything. everything goes perfectly together, especially with my hot chocolate. yuummyy!!
strawberry custard tart - a definite must try if you happen to visit. on top of the filling bagels we had, we ordered 3 of those tarts to share among us 4. the pastry's soft, and the custard's smooth and not too thick.
this was what we went there for - their famous coffee art! this totally inspired us to go for a barrister and coffee art 2 day course after exams.

gawdd, i love melbourne.

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