Sunday, June 26, 2011

Friends Like These

i had such an awesome night out. then again, when are times spent with them "un-fun"? it was crazy and hilarious, a state i'll try my best not to be in again. my life long friends, a title that they are most worthy of. to our dear queen cheryl, happy birthday. <3

i'll be flying off to KL in approximately 9 hours time. till then y'all! :)

Friday, June 24, 2011

Black and Gold

i'm back home in singapore now. for the past few weeks, i've been making appointments with all my friends and writing down a list of things to do this winter. little did i realise that i have so few days on this sunny island, how am i gonna squeeze everything into this month?

anyhow, here is one of the delayed posts. charlene's 21st birthday party!
the house was filled with black and gold balloons, the huge ass "21" balloons were my favourite! :) we had a passionfruit and chocolate cake as dessert after our delicious spanish dinner.
us four, all dressed for the night out! we ended the night with clubbing at eve, no pictures though! either due to the fact that my camera died, or we were having so much fun dancing.
i love the decor of portello rosso, especially their bar!
girl was so sweet to make us a door gift, la belle miette's rose macaron.
i'm not a big fan of spanish food, but food that night was yummy! my favourite 2 dishes were the parma ham, and the juicy tender beef cutlets.
cheers to the beautiful girl charlene. <3

gonna take a rest now as i have a long fun night ahead of me!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Beautiful Crumb

had a sudden urge to blog while studying for Derivatives and Securities despite it being 1am in the morning. it felt as though it was just yesterday when i was ranting to my friends about SWOT VAC and exams. before i know it, i'm done with 2 papers already. glad that time is passing by so quick. this means holidays are nearing!!! :) so excited for the few mini trips planned out this july - JB, KL, Melaka, and Bali.
during the last week of school, rachel and i visited this newly opened macaron shop located at 30 hardware lane called La Belle Miette. its a really small shop that fits 2 petite coffee tables and 4 chairs, with minimal walking space.
fell in love with their macarons right after my first bite into the rose flavoured one at charlene's 21st, and i've been craving for them ever since. their macarons are chewy, full of flavour, and with just the right amount of sweetness! best macarons i've tasted.
we both tried as many flavours as we could, and everyone of them tasted so yummy! here's their current menu: 72% Cocoa Single Origin Chocolate (Venezuela), Caramel a la Fleur de Sel, Cherry Blossom & Sake, Ginger & Macadamia, Hazelnut Belle Miette, Lemon, Olive Oil & Vanilla, Pink Grapefruit, Pistachio, Raspberry, Rose, Strawberry & Vanilla, Violet & Blueberry.

surprisingly, my favourites were Violet & Blueberry, Rose, and Lemon. this shows how delicious their macarons are, as i don't really fancy non-chocolate macarons sold elsewhere.
their box and logo design is hand drawn by a melbourne graphic artist, and every charm hanging from the brocade tells a macaron story. how detailed and pretty can it get! their boxes come in two different sizes, and the only difference between the complimentary and gift boxes is that the former's soft covered and the latter's hard.

come to think of it, there is not a single shop in singapore that solely sells macarons. this little sweet treat has ought to be more popular!