Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Longer Hols Please

met up with my brother yesterday in town after he finished 2 prelim papers. was craving for pepper lunch the night before, so i decided to have lunch there. love the brown honey sauce, it's so awesome. kinda drained them with my beef and rice. but i felt that there was too much salt.
here's a picture of my bag, someone wanted me to post a picture of it on my blog. i finally know why i actually like that charles and keith bag so much already. its because it really looks like one of the miu miu bags! i'm not kidding. over lunch today, i was flipping through her world magazine, and i spotted the bag, cause it really looked so familiar. i was thinking to myself that it can't possibly be from charles and keith, and true enough, it wasn't! if i knew the design was from miu miu, i'd prolly not have bought it. anyways, it just shows that i haven't really fancied any charles and keith designs. haha, but i still like it.
anyways, we went for some shopping and caught eclipse. no one wants to watch it with me, cause everyone says its so lousy, so i had to pull my brother with me. as expected, the show was just okay, but it was way way way better than new moon. somehow, i just don't feel the attraction between bella and edward for the 2nd and 3rd movie, it was so pretended. i used to think that bella is very pretty, but now, no. aiyah, lousy movie. but will still watch the last cause i want to know how the story ends, and i don't like reading.
cabbed straight to qiumei's place after eclipse to meet up with my juniors. spent the evening catching up, tons to say and hear. haven't seen them for more than a year, and i'm really glad that they are all doing fine. :) ordered pizzas and chicken drumlets from pizza hut for dinner, and then we sat beside the pool for drinks. yuxin's dad then sent me home as it was quite late already.

anyways, today's plans to town with xiaohan or my cousin was cancelled last minute. was so bored that i wanted to bake an orange chiffon cake to kill time. thank god, before i actually started on baking, i went online. one kind soul gladly dropped me a comment and shared with me a link to watch masterchef episodes out of australia! was so happy that i could actually view them. so then it started- have been glued onto my laptop watching videos since lunch till now. that i don't like, it prevents you from doing other things. oh wells, i'm still happy. random note, masterchef is giving me the urge to bake. macaroons, shall i get the book?

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