Monday, July 12, 2010

Red & Gold

so, SPAIN won. :) i was so right to support spain from day one. i'm quite pissed at myself for not waking up. i set my alarm clock at 2.20am, but i'm not sure if it didn't ring or i didn't hear, so i missed the match. thank god they won, and i'm really happy! oh, and i'll have a free dinner treat due to a bet with a friend. anyways, the photo of david villa wasn't from last night's match. but he's way too cute in the photo, and i figured that i should share. :)

on friday night, the girls and yongbin came over to my place to chill. wanted to go club, but plans changed. had food and drinks, played poker and blackjack a little while, and chit-chatted for a real long time. yongbin left for butter factory, while the girls and i continued our talk. haven't had a chance to have a full kumaleh gathering this time round, only met them individually and not very often too. they're all so busy with poly, internship, working, army. sigh oh sigh.

so my results. it has been quite some time since they were released. wouldn't say that i'm very happy with it, but i'm satisfied. :) got H1 for organisational behaviour and business finance, H2A for shaping the enterprise with ICT, and H2B for cost management. okay, i didn't expect OB to be a H1, was aiming for ICT to be a H1 and cost management to get a H2A. especially cost management man, i studied so hard for it, but honestly, the paper was TOUGH. well, but i'm happy with them and i'll continue the hard work for the next semester. okay, 2 more weeks. :(

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