Friday, July 23, 2010

JB Day Trip

went into JB on wednesday to visit my relatives, the main reason was to pay my respects to my late grandmother. didn't manage to go into JB earlier, as we went to taiwan and my mother had to surrender her malaysian passport. it took quite some time for her to receive her singapore passport. yes, she's a singaporean now, which makes my whole family singaporeans.
this shawn, we call him shawn shawn. haha! he's my eldest cousin's son in my mother's family. he's so cute lah, he always has that smile on his face. very smiling boy! the little dimples make it better. we bought him this inflatable disney mini pool, a airplane kite and sweets. he was estatic!

ah kim also bought durians for my brother and i, as we are durian lovers. i don't know how many seeds we ate that day, we were so bloated. she then brought out mangosteens, which i also love, and i couldn't resist it despite being so full. she also got us like 2 big bags full of durians (8-10 i think), and one big bag of mangosteens. now, our car and house is filled with durian smell. bram came over last night, and he immediately asked why does he smell durian when he was just outside the gate. overpowering!
thereafter we headed over to my father's elder sister's house. spend some time chit-chatting before going off to another cousin's house. for dinner, we had really good chinese meal, very big variety of food, so good. went back home, and celebrated my cousin's birthday. a very mini celebration, yet fun. the 3 little kids were really very mischievous. too much to handle sometimes, but their cuteness over rules.

my aunt also bought us a big bag of rambutans. so, we went home with plenty of tropical fruits. just the right time, as i will be heading back to melbourne tonight. speaking of which, it's 1pm already, and i haven't even started packing at all!!! this is really serious, and i still have to fetch my little sister from school at 5pm too. oh yeah people, i have my license already. 12 points, manual car. not bad right? :) have been so busy the past 2 days, and masterchef is still glueing me onto my chair when i'm home. oh god, anyways, i'm really glad with the final 3- adam, claire and callum! like all of them, and don't mind either one of them winning. finals on sunday in melbourne! :)

okay, i'm going to have my favourite chicken rice for lunch, and home cooked steak for dinner tonight.

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