Saturday, July 24, 2010

Heater Please

hello everyone, i'm back in melbourne. currently eating instant abalone porridge as i type this post. yes, reality has sunk in, and now it's back to fast/instant food. no more living in the luxury of good food everyday. not that melbourne doesn't have them, but it's just quite troublesome to squeeze such meals in while schooling.

have so many things to blog about; my photos in iPhoto is accumulating. now that i've cleaned up my whole house, and did some necessary shopping, it's finally time to slouch on my couch. :) let's rewind to last monday; i had so much fun. was out the whole day with rachel tjong.
after the both of us finished our driving lessons, we met up at sogurt at coronation plaza. we've been hearing so much about it and decided to have a go. honestly, i feel that it's very overpriced. the weighing technique is really a good idea, new and draws high margins. the flavours were pretty unique and good. i had chocolate and red velvet, while rachel had mango and blueberry. will definitely go back there again during the next hols.

thereafter, i went over to her place to slack and chill. ate and watched tv the whole afternoon till 6 plus, when we started getting ready to go out. i asked ryan to join us for dinner at sushi tei, and he agreed immediately. that was provided he finished his homework, and he did.
we ordered a wide variety of food. a good and cheap japanese meal was just what i needed before i return to melbourne. though sushi tei may be rather commercialised, but i still feel that the food there is above average and prices are very affordable. by the way, rachel's neighbour started sushi tei and apparently the owner is a girl in her late twenty's.
i don't really fancy any desserts at sushi tei, so off we went to big O for spike D. rachel and ryan was just watching me eat, as they had theirs in sushi tei. haha, i just had to have it as it's so damn good. :)

rachel's mum then sent me and rachel to meet up with jonny and his mum. chatted awhile before taking another short ride in jonny's mum's car to central. we were going to meet jon's friend, joshua, at helipad.
first time there and it's really a nice open rooftop bar (at the 5th level). was telling jon that it's quite a nice place to hold a 21st party there by booking the entire floor (not that i want that for myself). the guys did their shots (sex on the beach), and we had our cocktails and mocktails. anyways, glad that we could get along with joshua. if we can click with jonny so well, what's the problem man? since they're both best friends.

we had so much to chat, literally talked non-stop for 3 hours before leaving the bar at 11.45 pm. i really hope that their business plans do succeed, so rachel and i will be their VIP customers. haha! the four of us were also intending to club on wednesday night at zouk, but plan failed. had driving test the next day and i didn't want to risk failing, and poor rachel was sick. sigh oh sigh, didn't get to club in singapore this july. :( was really looking forward to visit zouk or butter, but i guess i just have to wait for december then.

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