Sunday, January 24, 2010

When Will We Meet Again?

Day 1- 20th
woke up early to pick boyfriend up from terminal 1. waited approximately 40 minutes before i saw him. he gave me a shock, as he appeared from behind, despite me looking out for him at belt number 18. took a cab to his hotel, and he was so disappointed with it. haha! what can you expect with that kind of price? :)

brought him to bugis and orchard for shopping. he said that shopping is so good in singapore compared to indonesia's. we practically went to every single mall, except for paragon, OC, tangs and shaw house. we walked till our legs hurt. snacked while we shopped, and he loves the fried mars bars. so many indonesians in singapore, can you believe that we actually met more of his friends compared to mine in orchard!

thereafter, we met up with his friend, sharon, and others for dinner at spice located near river valley. well, it is a class better than those indian roti prata stalls you find along the road. the price may be a buck or two more expensive, but the food makes up for it. so good. best chocolate banana prata i ever ate in singapore, couldn't even finish it!

Day 2- 21st
boyfriend cabbed to my place to pick me up and off we went to the zoo. he was very reluctant to go, but i forced him. i haven't been to the singapore zoo for almost 7 years, i've heard that it has changed so much and i wanna go check it out myself. indeed, it has changed A LOT, but somehow i expected much better. well, how good can a zoo get right?! but both of us enjoyed the shows, especially splash safari.

it was a long journey back to the hotel. rested awhile before heading to cityhall. brought him to all the malls there and had dinner at shokudo. was supposed to meet up with friends, but all were busy with school work. so, i brought him to esplanade, sat by the singapore river, talked and admired the view (though most of it are still under construction).

Day 3- 22nd
woke up to a pouring rain, and i was so sad as i thought our plans were washed away too. headed over to boyfriend's place and waited till the rain stopped. made our way down to vivo city for some shopping of presents and dinning at dian xiao er. didn't know that food there was good, especially the herbal roast duck! :)

thereafter, we went into sentosa. i wanted to take the luge ride and the chair lift! but he wasn't interested in the luge, he finds it lame. i was so disappointed, but at least he agreed to sit the chair lift down to the beach. walked along the beach and checked out wave house. oh my god man, the surfing thing is so damn cool. we would have done it if we brought an extra change of clothes.

headed back to the hotel, and prepared for dinner with my parents! it was supposed to be the whole family, but siblings couldn't make it at the last minute, which made us freak out more. we didn't know that it was just 4 until we reached jim thompson, a very good thai restaurant located at dempsey hill chosen by papa. both of us were so nervous, but i had to put up a strong front to calm him down. hahaha! after waiting for 15 minutes my parents finally arrived. somehow, their presence calmed us down. immediately, me and boyfriend felt at ease. nice dinner- good food, chat and people. glad my parents like him. :)

Day 4- 23rd
woke up exceptionally early to meet him before he checked out of his hotel. as i had a wedding solemnisation cum buffet lunch to attend at swissotel- equinox, he went over to his friend's place. i will totally blog about the solemnisation soon. wanna see a bridal ferrari? then wait for it! :) anyways, after the whole thing ended, i made my way down to ion to meet up with them. boyfriend did some last minute shopping before we both cabbed down to the airport.

not much photos taken as we were too busy having fun and couldn't be bothered to hold that DSLR, but that's obviously not all the photos we took! want to thank boyfriend for specially making this trip to singapore for me, his parents for allowing him to come, and my parents for letting me spend every single day with him in singapore. :)

time literally flies when you're having so much fun. 4 days just went past like that, so fast. :( anyhow, parting and meeting is a part and parcel of life, we just have to get used to it. again, this leaves me with the question of when are we going to meet again? jakarta or melbourne?

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