Friday, July 9, 2010

Glad to be Friends

since i came back from taiwan, i've been hanging out with my guy friends. sadly, the singapore girls are all busy with work and school, and the aussie peeps are all overseas. thank god for them, if not my week would be such a bore.
spent my tuesday afternoon walking on the streets of orchard. mainly, having fruit tea and scones at takashimaya's royal copenhagen. really a nice and cosy place to chit-chat and people-watch. wanted to have TWG, but the queue was way too long! doubt that it's really worth the queue for a pot of water plus some extra fragrance.
starbuck-ed with warren tan on one of those weekday nights. we sat at the exact same spot the last time we had starbucks. spent a really long time updating each other about our lives for the past 4 months. it seems like a really short period, but a lot has changed. somehow or another, warren and i seem to always go through similar things in life, in relation to relationships. i'm totally supportive of what he's doing, especially after all that he has been through, he deserves it. nevertheless, there's still a little part that will never be forgotten. an advice? ahh, he knows.
went to orchard and central on thursday with jonny to run some errands. hope that someone would be happy cause we really spent quite some time on it. yongbin joined us for dinner at ps cafe. finally introduced yongbin to my aussie friend, and vice versa. glad that there wasn't any awkard-ness, and they could actually get along. food was good at ps, but the portions were rather huge, which caused me not to try their awesome desserts.

yongbin sent me right to my door step, and thank you for that! we were so engrossed in chit-chatting at the bus stop that made us miss our bus. a long bus ride home, but made fun by him. i realise as we grow older, its friends like him that are difficult to find. sad, but true.

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