Saturday, November 6, 2010

Books Aside

this SWOT vacation has been sweet

the law building has been my first home for the past week, and will be my first home for the following week. there from 10am to 10pm everyday, except for dinners and lunches. my house is just for bathing and sleeping, much for the 2k+ rental. surprisingly, despite studying everyday, life's not really a bore.

i guess you really have to leave your past behind, before new things come your way. not saying that i have successfully done it, but i think i'm making good progress. thanks to those three words really. i hope i don't have to eat back my words, i don't want to go back there.

exams are on the 10, 16, and 17. as much as studying have brought some smile in me, i really can't wait for them to be over. 4 more days after the last paper, and i'll be back in singapore. let's see what i can accomplish over that 4 days, many many things to do! :)

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